Bastet's Mariah PT 2

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"ok, if we are stuck together that must mean that twice the magnet force is affecting us!" You say as you and Ayano work together to slowly stand up.

Her breasts mushed against your chest. To which you silently think.!

But wiping that thought out of your mind you and her manage to stand up "good! Ok progress! Next we gotta separate! See that fence?"

You point to the fence across the street "I see it Senpai" she says. "Lets get to that fence grab it and separate"

She tries to nod as your faces are pressed together.

You take a breath "Ready?" She responds "Yes Senpai!"

You yell "Move! Core muscle work! Together!"

You and ayano lift up one leg "one!" You say then you set it down and lift up your other leg "two!" You say as you set it down and lift up your first leg to take another step

"God JoJo is gonna kill me if she sees us like this"

Ayano pouted "senpai! Don't worry about Her"

You nod "Right, we have to stay focused!"

The two of you stop ince you see 2 people just sitting and watching. "Oi! You! Beat it!" You shout "Nothing to see!"

They keep watching as you growl "HEY! I SAID GET THE FUCK OUR OF HERE! RIGHT GOD DAMNED NOW!"

You must have startled them as they both stumbled over eachother as they took off. You and ayano look back to the fence as you take a few more steps.

You grab the fence post as you and Ayano breath sighs of relief. "Ok we are a step closer!"

Ayano then gets an idea "Senpai, i have an idea" you nod "What is it?" She looks down "Have you noticed our feet arnt as stuck as our heads? This mist mean our feet and heads have opposite magnetic forces, so if one of is could get low we could separate"

You snap "of course" you look at ayano from the corner of your eye as you think "ok, since I'm stronger ill hold onto the fence post, and you slowly move down. And when you get low enough ill push back and you do the same, we should separate"

She nods "Ok senpai"

You loop your arm around the fence post "Ok, ready?" She nods "Move!"

The magnetic energy was incredibly strong, you could barely move. So ayano struggled just to get low.

You hold on as ayano slowly starts to move down.

Her hands sliding down your chest as her face is pressed against you. "It's working!" You say. She slowly but surley is able to get low.

Eventually ayano gets on her knees in front of you before she stops.

"Hey! Why did you-" "senpai! This position! If someone sees us it co-" "NOBODY IS WATCHING! JUST KEEP MOVING FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!"

you interupted her as you really really wanted to make this stop.

But as you look over you see it. Those two guys. They brought all their friends with them.

Suddenly the camera zooms in on your face as the color changes to a purple hue and jagged lines flash all over the screen "THOSE GUYS! THE BROUGHT ALL THEIR FRIENDS! AYANO QUICK! FUCKING MOVE!!!"

everything returns to normal as she pushes and struggles. Seeing no progress you get angry "FINE! ILL DO IT MYSELF!"

Right before ayano managed to say anything you quickly turn and jump. Causing your position to switch. Ayano was lifted up and pressed against the fence as you finally did it.

Female Jotaro X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now