2. A Business Opportunity

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"Who was that?" Coralyn whispered as Prim rejoined them. Emilia handed her a glass of wine, which she gratefully accepted.

Prim took a sip before answering. "He wouldn't tell me his name. He's a sailor. He said he's here because of a business opportunity."

"Where is he from?" Emilia asked.


Coralyn's face lit up. "He's from Orphic! Has he seen any Faeries? Did he meet any witches?"

"I didn't ask," Prim laughed. "We didn't talk about much. Where did Tristan wander off to?"

"Don't you mean waddle?" Coralyn snorted in laughter.

Emilia sighed and shook her head. "Tristan would be a little attractive if he took better care of himself."

"And if he wouldn't frequent so many bars and brothels." Prim glanced around the ballroom and continued to drink her wine. She caught sight of her mother, who was pinching Thomas' cheeks once more. Thomas was on the verge of crying. "Excuse me." She pulled away from Coralyn and Emilia and headed towards her mother.

Verity caught sight of her and beckoned her closer. "Prim, I was just talking to Lady Farrel about your betrothal announcement. Everything is ready. After the ceremony, Tristan will call the room to order and..."

"Mama, it's a miracle Thomas hasn't lost all feeling in his face," Prim sighed. She pried her mother's hand away from Thomas' cheek. "Don't cry, Thomas. You're all right."

"As I was saying," Verity continued, "Tristan will call the room to order and ask you to approach. He will..."

"Mama, please." Prim held up a hand, silencing her. "I beg you to reconsider this. I don't want to marry Tristan."

Verity's eyes widened and she lurched forward. Wine sloshed out of her glass, spilling on her skirt. She didn't seem to notice. "Primalia Gretchen Claremonte, I won't hear another protest from you." Prim's face grew warm as several guests turned to stare at them. Verity faced Lady Farrel. "Lynette, I'm so sorry. Please do not take offense from my daughter's outrageous behavior."

Prim gritted her teeth as Lady Farrel narrowed her eyes and looked her over. "None taken, Verity. Not everyone can be as sweet as your dear Thomas."

Prim flushed redder, from anger more than embarrassment. "Mama, you should find a change of clothes. You look as though your cycle has begun."

Both ladies gasped. Prim whirled away and kept her head held high. Thomas began shrieking behind her. Coralyn and Emilia were waiting with sympathetic looks. She took another glass of wine from a servant's tray and drained it in one gulp.

"I detest that child," she growled as Thomas' wails grew louder.

A nanny appeared shortly. She scooped up Thomas as he flailed about, crying. Verity watched them go with a nervous expression. Prim noticed she'd draped a shawl over her lap.

Coralyn grabbed her shoulder, suddenly. "The ceremony is about to begin!" She pointed to the dais where two thrones sat. King Nikolaus was there, being escorted by Prim's father and a valet.

The King took his seat. The valet disappeared with a bow. Alexander backed away, also bowing. "Look," Emilia whispered. "There's Lord Melbourne with cards, just as you said, Coralyn."

The three of them laughed quietly as King Nikolaus began. His voice was quiet and shook, as though he had hardly the strength to speak. "People of Valence, I have ruled these lands for many years. Under my reign, we have croppered."

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