6. Tidbits of Information

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    Prim cut the soiled portion of her skirt out and cast it aside. She began to snip at the threads holding the skirt together. Kitty scratched away at the notebook, using a pencil instead of charcoal. She'd only been practicing for two days, but already, her progress was incredible.

    Prim had spent her time measuring and forming a few patterns for Kitty. While Kitty traced letters and numbers, Prim had used the leather strip to mark out the girl's measurements. She'd taken up the old patterns from the bottom of the box and used them as a base. All she had to do afterwards was adjust them to Kitty's size.

    Prim spread the fabric out and began to lay the pattern pieces atop it. Kitty paused her work and watched. Prim weighted the pattern down with a few lumps of metal that had also been in the box. Carefully, she cut around the pattern, making sure to leave some excess fabric for her seam allowance.

    "Stir the stew, Kitty," Prim instructed.

    Kitty crossed over to the stove. She lifted the wooden spoon and began to stir diligently. The two of them had concocted this stew only yesterday. It was a mixture of sliced and fried salted meat, chopped up potatoes, and sautéed carrots. They added a few spices and at the last moment, Prim had splashed in some rum. The potatoes were cooked until they began to fall apart, adding a thickness to the stew and making it easier to eat aboard the ship. Caleb had taken one mouthful and demanded that they make it again today.

    Kitty finished stirring and resumed her lesson. Prim stacked the pieces of fabric she'd cut, leaving the pattern pieces in between them. Heavy footsteps approached shortly. She stuffed the pieces out of sight where they wouldn't be trampled. Prim grabbed a few bowls and began to dish up the stew.

    The first wave of crewmen appeared. They each took a bowl and situated themselves around Kitty. They laughed and jostled one another as they ate. Kitty ignored them, writing away. Prim noticed how the men were careful not to bump her or spill on her work.

    "If ye be needing more paper for your lessons, you just ask ole Lester," one of the older men said, ruffling Kitty's curly hair. She smiled and gave him a small nod. Like Caleb, he had very dark skin. His thick hair and beard were mostly white with age. Lester noticed Prim's wary gaze. "I be the Captain's bookkeeper," he said. "I get the boys their mail, prepare their payments, tell the Captain how many ships and employees he's got, and so on. Course, he does all that himself too so I don't see why he needs me, cept for a second opinion."

    "I didn't know pirates had bookkeepers."

    Lester shrugged. "I doubt most do. Captain stumbled across me and said he had a use for my skills."

    "And the Captain pays you?" Prim asked as she rinsed the dirty bowls that were handed to her.

    "That he does." Lester handed his bowl over. "Not much, mind you, but enough that we can buy our own rum supply." He laughed and started up the stairs. "The Captain knows a pirate's needs."

    Prim scooped up more bowls of stew as the next wave entered. These pirates sat next to Kitty as well, but none of them spoke to her. One young man hung behind the rest of them. Prim held out a bowl. He took it with a smile. His teeth were bright and straighter than any she'd seen before.

    "You're a good cook," he said. "I've been meaning to thank you for a while now. I used to be the one to wash dishes and mend the torn sails."

    "Less work for you, more for me."

    He shook his head, dark locks falling over his warm brown eyes. "The Captain keeps me busy. I clean the cannons and sort munitions more often."

    "Do you enjoy that?" Prim began rinsing dishes again.

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