5. Dirty Insults

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    Days began to blend together. Prim woke early and made breakfast. She and Kitty washed dishes, tidied the galley, and planned out the evening meal. There was no midday meal. The crew only ate two meals a day to save supplies, she'd been told.

    Afterwards, Prim would go updeck and clean whatever portion of the ship she was told to. Sometimes she cleaned the main deck. Other times, she worked in the lower decks. Caleb had brought her small torn sails to mend one day, but she never received any laundry, much to her surprise.

    Her nights were restless, aiding her dark mood. She only spoke to Captain Flynn when she had to. For the most part, she ignored him and he allowed it. As each day passed, Prim's hopes of going home soon began to falter.

    Father should've at least sent a ship after me, she thought for the millionth time. Prim sat on the stairs beside the Captain's quarters, stitching up another torn sail. She winced as locks of hair blew against her wind chapped face. She brushed them aside and kept working.

    Her arms and face were horribly sunburned. The skin would start peeling any day now. She'd be left with more freckles than she had before. Prim stabbed her finger accidentally. She yelped and shoved it in her mouth as it began to bleed. Mama would be very unhappy with my appearance right now. I'm sure I look as horrible as everyone here. I smell just as bad too. She hadn't bathed since her kidnapping and there hadn't even been a shower of rain to wash the sweat off her body.

    "Hey, Princess!" Someone shouted.

    Prim gritted her teeth and looked up. Across the deck, she spied two of the younger crewmen laughing. One spat at the wooden planks beneath his feet. Prim swallowed and continued sewing. She'd spent a full day cleaning mold and bird droppings off that area. The boys laughed and one of them grabbed a bucket.

    Prim gasped as he dumped it on the floor. The contents were rancid from days spent in the sun. The boy dropped the bucket and raised his eyebrows. "You missed a spot."

    Prim bent her head over the sail and finished up the final seam. She knotted the end securely and stood, then pocketed the needle. She kept her head held high as she crossed the deck and handed the sail to Caleb. Prim started back across the deck.

    One boy stuck his leg out as she passed. Prim cried out, tripping into the puddle of filth. The boys laughed even harder. Prim pushed herself to her feet. Other crewmen were laughing now.

    "What's going on here?" Pops shouted, shoving in between the crew members.

    "Just a friendly joke," one of the boys laughed.

    Pops grabbed him by the ear and pulled him close. The boy bit back a yelp of pain. "And what do you think the Captain would say about this so called joke? You heard his orders, didn't you Jesp?"

    "Aye, Sir."

    "Then heed them. Clean this mess up."

    "But, Pops..." Jesp began to protest.

    "Both of you will clean this mess up or I'll give the lass rat poison to put into your supper!"

    Jesp and the second boy scurried off immediately. Pops crossed his arms and glared at the rest of the crewmen until they went back to work. "Thank you," Prim mumbled.

    "The men don't like having a woman on board. Old superstitions and such," Pops said. "If they make things rough on you, don't be afraid to kick them. I'll explain it to the Captain." He winked with a smile and headed off.

    Prim made her way down to the galley, trying to ignore the stain that ran down the front of her dress. She grimaced just thinking about how long she'd worn it already. Kitty sat up when she entered the galley. Prim was already unlacing her gown, determined to be rid of it.

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