36. Prisons of Marble and Stone

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    Prim and Kitty sat in a quiet corner of the library. Kitty was working on her lessons while Prim sewed. The green gown was nearly finished. Prim just needed Kitty to try it on so she could hem it, but Kitty seemed a little unwilling to do so. Every time she looked at the gown, her eyes became glassy and she turned away.

    The library doors opened with a creak. Prim glanced up. Coralyn shrieked, sprinting across the room. She flung her arms around Prim and kissed her cheek. "Oh, it's true! You're home!" She squealed.

    Emilia knelt beside Prim's chair, taking her hand gently. "Are you all right? Those pirates didn't hurt you, did they?"

    "No, I'm fine," Prim replied, slightly dazed. "How did you know I was home already?"

    "Your mother sent messages to us this morning. She said you refused to come to King Nikolaus' funeral to be presented yesterday, so she wondered if we would keep you company," Emilia explained.

    Coralyn's golden curls bounced as she nodded. "Oh, Prim. We were so worried. Were you scared?"

    "For the first few weeks," Prim admitted, "but after I settled in, I wasn't so scared. They didn't hurt me. I worked as the cook and a maid of sorts." She looked over her shoulder. Kitty was watching them quietly. Prim held a hand out to her.

    Kitty smiled and drew closer. "Who is this?" Emilia asked.


    "Prim is my mama," Kitty added with a hint of bashfulness.

    "Have you adopted her?" Emilia raised an eyebrow.

    Prim shook her head. "I've been thinking about that, though. I would like to."

    "Would you like that, Kitty?" Coralyn asked. Kitty nodded vigorously.

    "I'll look into it," Prim promised. "Go back to your lessons." Kitty retreated to the table. Prim traced a finger over the serpentine stone on her pendant.

    Emilia squeezed her hand. "Prim?"

    "You're both going to think I'm crazy," Prim sighed, "but I want to tell you the truth." Emilia and Coralynn took their seats as Prim began.

    She told them everything, from her attempt to escape, to the evening prior. Neither of them said a word until she had finished. "You truly fell in love with Captain Flynn?" Coralyn asked. Prim nodded in reply. "That's so..."

    "Insane," Emilia finished.

    "I was going to say romantic."

    Emilia shook her dark head. "Prim, how could you have fallen in love with the man who kidnapped you?"

    "He's not like people say he is," Prim said. "I don't approve of his actions and I've told him as much. I don't approve of the piracy and the killing, but beneath all of that, I approve of him. He's a good man who has gone through many terrible things, and his current lifestyle is the result of that."

    "How can you say..."

    "How can't I?" Prim countered before Emilia finished her question. "If he was like the stories say, he never would have brought me home. I fought to stay on the ship with him but he wouldn't let me, because he was afraid that if I did, I would end up dead." Coralyn flashed Emilia a smug look.

    The door opened before either of them could speak. Hilde entered with a curtsy. "My lady, your parents wish to speak to you."

    Finally, Prim thought. I've been home two days and they haven't bothered to speak with me yet.

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