11. History

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    Sweat beaded along Prim's brow, despite the cool air. They had reached the Caeles without spotting Valor's Blight. Captain Flynn was certain they'd see her sails any day now. Prim lifted her sword as Charlie struck again.

    She parried his blow and twisted beneath his arm. Charlie rounded, pressing his attack. Prim managed to keep up, barely. What little she'd retained from her fencing lessons was coming in handy. Charlie was a very skilled swordsman, as he had said.

    Charlie retreated a few paces. Prim looked over her shoulder. Captain Flynn was still at the helm, his gaze fixed on the horizon. He hadn't left that spot since Prim and Charlie began sparring, even when Pops offered to take over for him. He'd done this every day since Prim had started working with swords.

    "You're doing well," Charlie said. "A lesser man would've lost his fingers a few times."

    "Don't sound so proud of yourself," Prim laughed.

    "A lesser woman would never have come so close to taking off mine," he added.

    Prim handed her sword to him. "I'm glad to know I have a chance of success when faced with a different adversary."

    Charlie took the sword, flashing her a brilliant smile. "Back to the galley?"

    She nodded. "It's freezing up here and I need to start getting the evening meal ready."

    "Do you want some help? I've finished my work for now. I had to or Caleb wouldn't have agreed to let us spar today."

    "Sure." Prim crossed the deck with Charlie in tow. They headed down the stairs.

    The galley was somewhat warm, thanks to the heat from the stove. Kitty sat near it, scratching away at her notebook. Prim lifted a pot and measured some water into it. Kitty tucked her notebook away and grabbed several potatoes.

    "Fried meat and mashed potatoes," Prim said, noticing Charlie's confused expression.

    "How do you make mashed potatoes without milk or butter?"

    "Water. Sometimes a hint of rum. I add salt, pepper, and a little bit of grease from the meat for flavoring."

    Charlie shook his head with a grin. "I'm surprised the boys haven't told you to leave their rum alone."

    "A few of them tried. I told them they can either drink the rum plain or they can have flavorful food. Most of them prefer good food and a little rum on the side."

    "Ah." Charlie took the potatoes Kitty handed to him.

    "Chop them up, but leave the skins on," Prim said.

    He nodded and began to slice the potatoes into small cubes. Kitty piled slivers of salted meat onto a plate and brought it over to her. Prim set a skillet on the stove and lined it with the meat. Kitty returned to the table and took out her notebook.

    "Kitty seems happier than normal," Charlie murmured. "She smiles more and doesn't act quite so skittish. I think you're a good influence on her."

    "Captain Flynn thinks I'm teaching her my deplorable manners," Prim snickered.

    "What does he know? He's the one who kidnapped a noble lady."

    Prim nodded, knitting her brows. "Do you know what demands he included in his ransom? I can't think of why my father hasn't tried to meet at least one."

    "Well, he asked for 7,000 gold marks, enough for each crewman to have 200. He asked for jurisdiction over a few port towns." Charlie glanced at her. "He asked for Jebediah's son to be released from prison. He even added that he would give up Jeb's location if it would secure his son's freedom."

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