19. Unclear Sight

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Ms. Harriet bustled off to join Pops, leaving Prim alone with Caspian. He looked her over, his brown eyes revealing nothing. "Well? What do you think?" Prim held out her skirts and spun carefully. Strawberry blonde curls tumbled over her shoulder.

Ms. Harriet was a miracle worker, to be certain. Prim had never done her hair in anything more than a braid or a ponytail, and she'd been most grateful for the older woman's skills. Ms. Harriet had pinned up half of her curls and shaped them into a crown just behind her hairline. Pearl and emerald studded combs held the crown of hair in place and gave the illusion of a real tiara. Ms. Harriet had produced a set of matching earrings, short ones that wouldn't tangle in her hair, and a pearl necklace with one large emerald hanging from the center of it.

Caspian blinked, suddenly. "You look...beautiful," he said at last. "Were those in the box?" He came closer and brushed his fingers over the necklace.

"No, they're Ms. Harriet's."

"Ah." He cleared his throat and offered her an arm. "Shall we, Darling?"

Prim smiled and let him escort her into the ballroom. Several guests already milled about. Servants ducked past, carrying trays of delicacies and drinks. Prim snatched a glass of wine and sipped it. Caspian followed her lead.

"How do you enjoy this stuff?" He asked. "I'd take rum any day."

"I'm used to wine and champagne. You're used to rum." Prim cocked her head, gazing over the assembly. "How many people did she invite?"

"Probably as many as she could. Ms. Harriet does have a bit of an extravagant side."

"I never would have imagined her having all of this when I saw her at the inn." Prim laughed to herself. "I suppose that makes her and Pops a perfect match."

"I suppose so."

"Captain Flynn!" Someone called. Caspian paused and Prim followed his gaze. A group of young women waved them over. Only a few men lingered behind the group. "You owe me a dance from the last ball we attended together," the girl crowed.

One of her friends elbowed her sharply. "Arely, that's his wife," she hissed.

"Oh." Arely looked Prim over disinterestedly. "Where did he dig you up?"

"He found me ruling over an island inhabited only by cannibals," Prim replied.

Arely's mouth fell open. "That's ridiculous. Cannibals don't exist."

Caspian turned away with a small laugh as Prim inspected her nails. "Don't they?" She snapped her teeth at the girl. "How do you taste?"

"We've talked about this, Darling," Caspian murmured. "People are friends, not food."

"Surely exceptions can be made." Prim waved a dismissive hand. "But if you insist." Arely's friends were laughing nervously. "And I suppose you must dance with her. You are a man of your word after all, and I hate to see promises broken."

"At least you have some good qualities," Arely muttered.

"I'll dance with you later, Arely, as promised," Caspian said. He steered Prim away from the cluster of girls. "Stars, Prim. You've scarred her permanently. She'll tell everyone that she's been threatened by Captain Flynn's cannibalistic wife."

"It makes for an interesting story, don't you think?" Prim laughed. He shook his head, still smiling.

•~ ❘ ✠ ❘ ~•

As the evening wore on, more and more people began to arrive. Dancing began, much to Prim's delight. She took turns dancing with some of the crewmen whom she'd spotted. Pops danced with her for a short time, before Ms. Harriet had intervened. After that, Prim dragged Jesp into a dance, despite his protests.

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