10. At Arms

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    "I heard Jebediah was being less than friendly towards you a few days ago."

    Prim looked up as Charlie approached. She was sitting on a set of stairs that led up to the helm. Kitty's dress rested in her lap. She had been making steady progress on it. Only a few more days would see its completion. "He was, but it's all right."

    "Are you sure? No one would bat an eyelash if he happened to fall overboard." Charlie winked suggestively.

    Prim laughed, but shook her head. "I'm sure. Pops threatened to shoot him."

    Charlie sat down next to her. "Truthfully, Pops could do that and get away with it. He's the only one on board who could, though. He's always been close to the Captain. They knew each other..."

    "Before he became Captain," Prim finished. "Pops told me a little about that. Not much, though. He said the Captain doesn't like it when you all talk about his past while he's not around."

    "That's true," Charlie inclined his head. "Captain Flynn refuses to speak about it to any of us. Pops won't give up his secrets either. I don't know the full story, exactly, but I have heard that the Captain's family..."

    Prim held up a hand. "Don't, please. If you'll get in trouble for talking about it, then don't. I'll find out soon enough if I'm meant to know."

    Charlie nodded. "You respect privacy. I like that."

    "A rare commodity aboard the Leviathan, I assume?" Prim laughed. She resumed her sewing.

    "Very rare indeed. So are women. You rarely find women at sea."

    "Have there ever been any female crew members aboard this ship?"

    "Not since I've been around. Kitty was the only girl on board before you came along. There are many old superstitions claiming it's bad luck to have a woman on board."

    Prim rolled her eyes. "Don't tell me about them. It will only irritate me."

    "All right. I'd prefer to keep you in a good mood. It will make you desire my company more often," Charlie laughed.

    "You seem to be one of the only decent men on this ship. The odds are in your favor."

    "Charlie! Quit yapping and get to your post!" Caleb hollered from across the deck.

    "You should enjoy these warm days," Charlie said as he stood. "Once we reach the waters of the Caeles, it will be cold."

    "The Sea of Starlight? I thought it was just a myth."


    "Is it true that the sky is always dark there?"

    Charlie offered her a hand. "I've got to get to my post. You're welcome to join me for a little while if you want to keep talking." Prim took his hand and let him pull her to her feet.

    She tucked Kitty's dress into a small bag that was tied around her waist. Charlie led her across the deck to several lines of rope. At his encouragement, Prim began to climb the rigging. Wind blew her hair across her eyes. She paused long enough to brush it aside, then resumed climbing. She reached the crow's nest and found Jesp standing in it. He raised an eyebrow as she climbed over the side of it. Charlie joined them shortly.

    "Is she supposed to be up here?" Jesp asked.

    "Why couldn't she be?" Charlie shrugged.

    "Doesn't she have work of her own?"

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