38. Living Skeletons

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Prim could scarcely draw in a full breath, thanks to the corset she had been stuffed into. Her silver gown was inlaid with an assortment of jewels, embroidery, lace, and other finery. Kitty's gown was just as extravagant. They even wore small matching tiaras, crafted of silver and emeralds.

Their tiaras were nothing compared to the crowns that Verity and Thomas wore, though. Prim's mother and brother were also dressed in silver and dripped with jewels. Their crowns, however, were made of gold and rubies.

Alexander Claremonte sat on his throne, scepter and orb in hand as he was coronated. Her father's robes were made of magnificent gold and ermine. Several brooches and pendants were situated across his chest. A large golden crown rested atop his head.

The throne room was filled with Valence's nobles. Prim hadn't seen Tristan Farrel yet, but she knew he was in attendance. She squared her shoulders and Alexander swore the last of his oaths. The Head Healer from Abbatia, who had performed the ceremony, bowed to her new king and joined her companions. Everyone bowed, then erupted into shouts of "Long live the King!"

Dancing began once Alexander permitted it. Prim and Kitty retreated to the far end of the ballroom after reaching it. They sat down with relieved sighs. Kitty picked at the jewels on her dress. "It's so heavy," she groaned. "And I don't like the corset."

Prim winced sympathetically. "Neither do I."

"When can we leave?"

"I'll find someone to take you upstairs in an hour," Prim promised. "I have to stay until the ball is over."


"Because my father is now the King and he asked me to."

Kitty bit her lip, looking across the room. Alexander and Verity had arrived. Hilde followed them, carrying Thomas. "Is it okay if I don't call them my grandparents?" Kitty gave Prim an anxious look. "I don't think they like me."

Prim wrapped an arm around Kitty's shoulders. "No, you don't have to call them your grandparents unless you want to."

"Pops was my grandpa," Kitty whispered. She leaned into Prim with a sniffle.

"I know."

"There you are!" Coralyn and Emilia pushed through the crowd and joined them. Coralyn took in Kitty's distraught expression and pulled her to her feet. "Come along. I haven't found a single decent dance partner amongst the gentlemen here. I'd like to make everyone envious of my dazzling niece."

Kitty smiled and slipped her hand into Coralyn's. They began to dance around the ballroom, bumping into people left and right. Emilia sat down beside Prim. "Is she all right?"

Prim nodded. "She's just grieving someone right now."

"I see." Emilia folded her hands together, then exclaimed, "I'm going to work at the Healer's Abbey."

"Really?" Prim's eyes widened in surprise. "When?"

"This autumn. I've been working with Doctor Smith lately to gain experience and the Healers accepted my application."

"I didn't know you were interested in healing."

"I wasn't." Emilia sighed and covered one of Prim's hands with her own. "After you were kidnapped, Coralyn and I were going mad with worry. I decided I had to find a way to keep myself busy, but I wanted a job where I might hear news about you. I decided to volunteer as a nurse. You know how many sailors wind up in Valencia's hospitals."

"Well, I'm glad my misfortune helped you discover a new passion," Prim chuckled. "Really, though. I'm happy for you. The Abbey will be lucky to have you."

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