41. Helpful Revelations

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    "We're all clear on the plan, then?" Westley asked as they gathered on deck. The crewmen nodded. Prim drew in a steadying breath and nodded as well. "Are you sure this will work?" Westley fixed his gaze on Prim.

    "Yes." She crossed her arms. "The people will expect my entire family to be there. I'll be able to play my part. Just make sure you all play yours."

    The longboat splashed into the waves below them. "Then let's get you to shore," Pops said.

    "Wait for me!" Ms. Harriet bustled up the steps and ran to them. "You'll receive a lot of questions if you return home without an alibi," she huffed. "And someone has to take care of Kitty while you all play the hero."

    Prim smiled and gave Ms. Harriet a nod. They climbed into the longboat. Pops began to row them to shore. They had sailed all through the night until they reached Valencia. The Leviathan would remain hidden in a small cove close by and set sail again at dusk.

    They were going to retrieve the rest of the ships in Caspian's fleet, and possibly procure the help of a few Pirate Lords, if they could be found. If they were fast, they'd be back before Caspian's execution and the plan would go off without a hitch.

    "How did you survive?" Prim asked as Pops rowed. "I'm sorry, but I can't wait any longer. We all thought you were dead. It looked like the shot went through your neck."

    "Aye, tell her, Pops. I nearly went mad when Westley and Lester delivered the news to me," Ms. Harriet said.

    Pops pursed his lips, thinking. "I was very lucky. The shot hit me just below my collarbone. The pain knocked me unconscious and Captain Blight's men believed I was dead. No one bothered to check, since they were throwing me into the sea anyway. I would have drowned if there hadn't been debris floating in the water from the battle."

    "I spent a day or two just floating around on top of a piece of driftwood. A merchant's ship came across me and they had a witch on board. She healed me and they offered me passage to Valence, provided I did my share of work on the trip. When we made port, the first thing I did was head for Latros, where I found Ms. Harriet. The second thing I did was marry her after convincing her not to kill me." Pops smiled at her and she returned it.

    "A few days later, the Leviathan docked in Latros. I expected to find you and Caspian, but the crew told me you'd left and taken Kitty with you." Pops laughed softly. "They were just as surprised to see me as you were." His gaze darkened. "I'm sorry, Lass. I would have looked for you straight away if I knew you were in Valencia. The crew believed you'd have left the city."

    "It's all right. What matters now is rescuing Caspian." Prim smiled. "I'm glad you're alive and safe. Caspian and Kitty will be relieved."

    "Aye, but it might be best not to mention it to them until after the rescue," Pops chuckled.

    "I won't see Caspian until the execution anyway. I had to bribe the Warden twice to let me in and I doubt it would work a third time."

    Pops nodded thoughtfully. "The Crypt is locked up tight. Here." He pulled a small pistol from his belt and handed it over. "It's loaded. One shot, Lass. When you use it, make it count." Prim nodded and hid the pistol beneath her vest.

    They reached the docks and Pops helped them up. Ms. Harriet kissed his cheek as she stepped out of the longboat. "You'd better be on that ship when this is all over, Pops Tavish," she growled. Ms. Harriet linked her arm through Prim's and they headed off.

•~ ❘ ✠ ❘ ~•

    Amos' gaze was clearer today. Caspian sat near the bars of his cell, keeping an eye on his friend. Amos sat upright for a change. He coughed every few minutes, leaving a smear of blood on his sleeve.

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