Chapter 1: PTSD

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The tap was twisted by her trembling, pale fingers, the water gushed out onto her soft palms and the white sink was stained a crimson red. She rubbed her hands together but the stains didn't come off. She sniffed and turned the tap off. As she patted her hands dry, her gaze met the pupils in the mirror and she looked at the slit on her eyebrow. Not one created for fashion, but one with a purpose and memory that constantly reminded  her of her past.

When she looked back at the mirror next, it was not her looking back at herself, but rather her vision blurred and brought out the vivid memory of her helplessly glancing back at them, as they burned the oak logs and placed the baby inside the roaring fumes. The agonising screams which destroyed any sane being's idea of sleep. But for them it was as if it were music to their ears. They dance around the fire as the child's screams and pleas for help deafen their ears. She is right there, helpless as her brother is cooked right in front of her. She struggles, begs, and pleads but they don't let him go. The putrid aroma of her brother's limbs filled the air. They chained her up and made her watch as they cut into him and served him for dinner. No matter how desperate her cry was, her hostages did not let her go, only because she was a woman- whom they treated as if were the most dangerous things on Earth. All creatures of that sort are locked up most of the time, don't help her was a rule they had to obey. It was at that moment, she remembered. It was then a promise was made to her brother,to every child who is born on this fateful date and has met this end. She promised revenge, and she swore she'd use what HE fears most to destroy him, eat at him and cripple him. A woman.. and his son.

The Orions of John. That's what they called themselves. That sacred name which they held in prestige honour. They believed the world was destined to worship one lord, and his son, John Stableson. Every birth of John only strengthened their belief but every now and again their hope faltered during the wait of their Lord's new son to take his place; another John Stableson. Till this day the Lord John of this time still did not grasp his chance to obtain his heir as the lord didn't have a wife nor did he want one. And as the laws clearly stated, any child born out of wedlock was to be killed.

There were many orders the Orions had to follow, among them were to keep women hidden, to keep them away, locked out from men's grasp in order to avoid them from sin. They were believed to be the mistresses of seduction. The most disturbing rule as of yet, however, had to be the absurd today misplaced prophecy that any child born on the 24th of September was destined to cause the destruction of the world and so should alas be burned. Alive. Them being conscious during the ritual was essential in order to ensure the person would be able to witness the termination of their own body, therefore return to hell and stay there forever.

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