Chapter 14: The Hospital

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The blinding red and blue lights and siren woke her, she was in a vehicle, with a breathing mask on her face and her disturbed vision, she saw she was surrounded by 2 people, in uniforms. They were shouting something. Everything went black again.

"Beep. Beep. Beep." She was woken by the machines surrounding her, she was alone. She looked down to see a needle deep in her hand,
"There aren't any injuries, why am I here?" She thought to herself.

"Ah, glad you're finally awake Miss Ayla."

"I-, wait how do you know my name? Why am I here? What hap-" She gasped, she couldn't breathe properly. That small thing caused her to run out of breath

"Calm down, don't talk too much, you'll tire yourself. I know your name from your wallet, you are here because you passed out whilst driving and someone found you with blood on your lap. There weren't any visible injuries so we had to run some tests and I- I'm afraid it's not good news"

"Cancer. I have cancer."

"How did you know?"

"How bad is it?"

"I.. it's stage 5. Lung cancer. But I promise we'll try our best-"

She chuckles and closes her eyes. The doctor nods and leaves. She reaches for her phone to call Damon, but then remembers. If he cared he would've come.

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