Chapter 2: Chase

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It is the 24th of September 2017. 5 years since her brother was brutally murdered by their hands. The Orions of John. The psychotic beings who sacrificed babies in the name of their lord, John Stableson.

She's on the table, face to face with Chase, Chase Stableson. They've been together for over 2 years now.

Chase was the hidden son of John, one born out of wedlock due to his father's incapability of being with the same woman for more than a month. His father was a player, he was bored easily and didn't want a life long shadow tagging along. He had murdered Chase's mother right after the child was no longer dependent on her milk. He took Chase away.  Far across to a hidden town in the city, miles away from the cult life and away from the troubles he would face if he was to grow up there because not only was his son's existence a result of a drunken night but because of his fateful birth which was commemorated by a date feared by all. Chase had no memory of his mother, and knew little of his father's work. He once questioned what caused him to only visit Chase once a month and as an answer he was told that it was all for his safety, and to never question it again, so he remained aloof of what really went down his father's life.

He'd grown up lavish, for someone who didn't know poverty, he was surprisingly affectionate. He'd always had his nana, a woman he loved as if she were his mother. She had no biological relation with him but she raised him, so she was classified as his mother. At least to him.

They met at a party. Something he called a lucky coincidence but she knew how it actually went down. With the help of her friend, she found out all about Chase. She carefully and calculatively schemed to make them meet making it seem surely just as a pure coincidence. She was the seductress his father feared would consume his son's life. She was the reason women were feared.

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