Chapter 3: The meeting.

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16 June 2015

He's sitting at the bar table, lonely. According to her intel, he'd just gone through a bad break up, and needed that sweet touch of a good woman to heal. "Bullshit."
She thought to herself,
"But it just might work."

She goes to whisper something in her friend, Aaron's ear and he looks at her as if she has just stabbed him, she gives him a stern look which ultimately makes his eyes roll but hesitantly agrees. She walks towards Chase, smiles and sits down next to the chair besides him. He smiles back and orders 2 shots of vodka, offers it to her. She smiles, so far so good.


They spend the night talking and she begins her plan, it's the little things, like laughing and looking away, subtly biting her lip every now and then, and finishing it off with a flick that makes her hair brush against her long neck.

The hours passed by with her heart beating faster every second, as much as she didn't want to admit it, she was scared. What if he doesn't like her? What if he somehow knows who she is? What if her plan fails before it even truly starts? No. That was impossible. Aaron, her friend who was like a brother to her, he'd risked his life for her revenge, living in that cult ever since she had gotten free, her inside man. He couldn't have been wrong. His intel had to be correct. She collects her thoughts, calms her nerves and nods to Aaron. It was time.

She calls out to Chase and begins to say something until something else catches her eye. Aaron. Red eyed and heading her way. The blood drains from her face and her breathing begins to stagger.

"Hey love, you okay?" Chase asks.

"He- I-"

Aaron grabs her hand and shouts right at the top of his lungs

"You dirty slag what do you think you're doing out at this hour, and who's this?"

He points at Chase.

"No.. no one, I'm sorry, let's go,"

She replies, her body trembling with fear. Aaron yanks her hand violently and drags her out the bar, with Chase trying to follow both her and the concept attempting to get a hold of her back. He finally manages to grasp her hand and pulls her towards him, infuriating Aaron.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, dragging her like that?!"

"Who I am is none of your business, stay out of this. And you, is this your new boyfriend." Aaron scoffs.

She stays silent, looking down at the floor with her tears flooding her dress.

"Yes, yes I am, now tell me who you are"

Aaron looks at him in disbelief,

"This girl, this one? Your girlfriend? You know nothing about her, the stuff she's done and the problems she's caused"

Chase makes eye contact with her and smiles reassuringly, as if trying to say "It'll all be alright, trust me."

"Yes, her. There's nothing she could've done that would make me hate her enough to leave her with an animal like you."

"She killed her parents." Aaron announces, calmly.

"I DID NOT, IT WASN'T MY FAULT." She screams through her tears .

"Yes you did, the car fell off a cliff and you were the sole survivor, you stand before us without any scars. It isn't possible"

She looks down again, shaking her head.

"If she said it wasn't her fault, it wasn't."

"Ever since she's been living with me, nothing good has happened. She's a bad omen." warns Aaron.

"Then why does she live with you, why do you not let her go?"

"Because I have nowhere else to go." She responds finally, in a raspy husky voice.

"Yes, you do now. Leave him and come with me, please."
She looks at him and nods, a sign for Aaron to leave. He was no longer needed.

"Fine keep her, but don't come back to me when she brings bad luck to you too" He runs off.

Chase and her walk off holding hands as she explains her past.


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