Chapter 5: The Incident.

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24th September 2017.

It is the 24th of September. 5 years since her brother was brutally murdered by their hands. The Orions of John. The psychotic beings who sacrifice babies in the name of him, John Stableson.

She's on the table, face to face with Chase.

She secretly set him up with her friend and had her mess with his drink. When he was drunk, her friend seduced him and became every drunk man's dream, a pretty, obeying woman.

The 2 years she'd been with him were the hardest years of her life. On one hand, she had her dream life partner, one that respected and loved her but on the other hand, he was the son of the man who murdered her brother, and she lived for revenge so whenever she found herself falling for him, she'd hear the screeches of her brother, and all those other babies, that helped ignited the flame and kept it lit. Her revenge thrived  in her body and thoughts..

She has a date night with him, one he thinks is one of their many, one she knows will be his last. Finally having a table and searching the menu, looking to order,  she looks at him from the corner of her eyes, his dark, messy hair, how one strand always falls over his eyebrows, his striking brown eyes, how his glasses fit perfectly over his amazing nose, his sharp jawline, his reassuring smile, his infectious laugh. He was just amazing. She hated how much she liked him, how much it would hurt her to hurt him, but she had to.

He wore the grey suit, her choice. Black shirt, grey tie, black shoes and grey blazer and trousers. She wore a thigh long, silk black dress. It had a strap on either shoulder to keep it up. She's wearing thick mascara, eyeliner and dark, red- almost crimson lipstick and sharp, stiletto heels.

He looks up to ask her what she wants and catches her staring at him, he cups his face with his hands and does the same to her. They giggle and suddenly her expression changes. A cold, hard dawn falls upon her face and it's as if the whole world had paused.

"Babe are you okay?"

"I know."

"Know what?" He questions, confused.

"About her, the night at the bar"

"I- babe, listen, it was an accident she drugged me-"

"No... It was not.. I.. I.. trusted you."

She gets up and leaves, clutching her snakeskin  bag.

"No babe, wait!"

Chase calls behind her, trying to follow her through the crowds, she smirks as she walks past the broken cctv camera and into the dark, narrow alleyway. He hurries to follow her and calls her name. It's working. It is time.

She turns back and makes eye contact, for a second she's back in the village, her brother's screams filling her ears,

"Not again! NOT NOW..!"

She shouts. She squeezes her eyes shut and opens them. She's back home, he's hugging her as they watch Titanic for the 100th time, someone emerges from the shadows and slits his throat as the children cheer. "No!" She screams, blinking rapidly, there he is, in the distance, hurrying towards her. Voices fill her head, the screaming of her brother, the chanting of the children, her own pleads to let him go, him- Chase and her brother.

Chase taps her on the shoulder as she clutches inside her bag, he says he's sorry and she tells him to shut up. Her mascara tears are going down her cheeks and her red lipstick all smudged.

Screaming, chanting, pleading, apologising, all fill her head and she finally screams, as loud as she can, brings out her blade and a red liquid splatters on her clothes. He falls to the floor, holding his neck, looking at her in disbelief and disappointment, a look she'll never forget. "Ayla.." he whispers.

For a second, she felt guilt, he wasn't responsible for the wrongdoings of his father. But then her brother was so innocent. She bends down and keeps stabbing his throat whilst the screaming shuts up. Blood splatters everywhere and stains the waterway, and the cement. The bone is visible now. He is dead. She cleans his bloodied lips with her bare wrist and kisses him, for old times sake.

She cleans herself up as much as she can in the rain and drags Chase in her car. She drives hours away to bury him near their favourite place in the mountains, he deserves at least that.

She's back home, washing the blood off her skin. She hurries to pack her stuff and leave.

The car is to be found days later in the ocean after a note is found in his apartment by his father. "I can no longer be with a cheater, I'm leaving you, do not look for me." The police ruled his death as a suicide, the body was never found.

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