Chapter 4: The last supper.

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23th September 2017, a day before the incident.

"Dear Chase,
I heard about your new girlfriend, and I just wanted to congratulate you. I came the other day but unfortunately you weren't home and I could not stay long because of work. I do wish you the best but be careful not to get too attached, never trust a woman. I will come visit on the 25th, until then be safe.

Love, father."

She scoffs and rips up the note and throws it into the bin. It's been over 2 years since her and Chase have been together, in which he has provided her with a safe home, love and respect. He was her ideal man; he respected her, loved her and most of all, trusted her.

During these two years, she'd earned his trust enough for him to transfer half of his company shares to her name- or as he told his dad, she "bought" them. There were memories made, some bad too but every relationship had their bad times, she was careful to not let it get to anything more than minor arguments about minor things.

The door closes and he hugs her from behind, she smiles and lets him. His many sudden presences lost their element of surprise so now she just learnt to be cautious and quick so he doesn't suspect anything. "So darling, what's for dinner?" she asks, it was his turn to cook today.

He serves the lasagna, turns the light off and lights the candles, it was going to be a romantic candlelight dinner. She smiles and pours the wine in their glasses, tonight was going to be one of those where both of them sleep when the sun rises, and when they do wake up, it's awkward laughs and mesmerising smiles. He deserved it, one last night of happiness.

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