Chapter 8: A funeral.

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As the pancakes sizzled on the pan, Damon called out to his mother, "Mum, breakfast is ready!" No answer. "Mum?" He called out, Silence. Damon hurried to her room and found her asleep on her bed, peacefully. Eternally. Her expression was weird. She'd been in pain for her whole life but the only time she truly felt at peace was when she slept knowingly that this would be her last.

The funeral was simple, she didn't know many people. Damon dressed in a black suit, he helped carry his mother's coffin to the grave, said a few prayers, to whomever he believed in. And walked off

Smelling of mud and rain, he leaned against his car door, pulled out a cigarette and lit it with his lighter, ones that had his mothers initials etched on the front. He smoked in the rain with memories of his dear mother relaying in his mind like a tape recorder. He threw the cigarette bud on the floor and squashed it with the front part of his leather shoe. He got in the car and began driving. He didn't  know where he was going but he started the engine and drove off.

Ayla spent her days roaming around her empty home, since her last encounter with Damon, she'd mostly begun staying home, not having an interest in partying, or drinking. She found another hobby, staring. It was now an obsession, prying into other people's lives as she would spend hours on end just staring out the window, in the hope of relieving her boredom. After all there was nothing better to do. She was alone. She grew accustomed to her neighbours daily lifestyles from throwing out the trash, to inviting people for parties late at night. It was all rather boring now. At night she stared into the vast sea, with memories of Chase flashing through her mind, she craved his hugs and his smile. Her insomnia took her sleep and she remembered how she drove his car into the ocean, and how she barely survived herself. Her eyes began to close as she saw the silhouette of a man walking towards the sea, her eyes jerked open as she convinced herself that it was just a hallucination, but it felt so real. With the weather outside, it'd be stupidity to go near the water, it'd kill him. She hurried downstairs, barefoot, she ran across the beach, pieces of glass slicing her feet as she called out to the strange man. "Hello?" She called. No response. She saw him being engulfed by the waves past the orange line and she ran to save him. The waves hit against her face as she dragged him onto the beach and performed cpr. He breathed and she searched his wallet for an address.

The next morning

The next morning, Damon wakes up in his bed as if everything that happened yesterday was just a dream. He was woken by the blinding sun hitting his face from the window wall. He doesn't remember anything after driving around the beach for a while but here he is, safe and sound in his own bedroom. He ruffles his hair and gets up. As he walks out the bedroom door, he is startled to see a familiar yet uninvited face to his.

Ayla, who's making breakfast in his kitchen.

"Oh look who finally decided to wake up. Mr I think it's a smart idea to kill myself by jumping into the ocean at 4 AM."


"You're lucky my bedroom window faces towards the sea. I saw everything. What were you thinking? You could have died." She stared at him. No, glared at him.

"What I was thinking, is none of your concern."

"Pathetic.. I just saved your life, show a little gratitude."

"Look, no one asked you to save me, you should have minded your own business."

"You little ungrateful bitch, it was a storm outside, I risked my life to save you and this is how you act. Fix up your life and don't do that shit again."

"No one asked for your help." He said it once in a cold, distant tone.

"Excuse me you ungrateful, grudge holding, unforgiving shit. If you are going to act like this even after all my effort to try and save you and drag you back here, you can get out of my house!"  She scoffed, finding her anger measuring up to his.

"Bitch I live here."

"Oh...that's right...Good point" She said scratching her head.

"Whatever..I cant deal with this anymore..pass Me the juice"

"Orange or apple?"

"I'll take mango."

"Gosh..You're so petty, you shouldn't be picky with food, you know."

"You are not my mother, so stop acting like it."

"So, anyway why were you being suicidal like that?"

"How many times have i told you now, it's not or never will be, your business. So save yourself the trouble and get out."

"It became my business the second I risked my life to save yours."

"Jesus, won't you just shut up about it already..You know what fine..If you want to know so badly. I'll tell you, MY life is a mess. Ever since I was born even now as I'm still living. Now to top this shit all off the only person that has ever stood beside me has gone. My mother is gone. " He shouted at nothing in particular.

Ayla was taken aback by his sudden confession or rather sudden fit of anger. He was cold, hostile and rude in general but this was different. His eyes looked as if he was ready to kill. She could tell, afterall she had been through that phase.

"What- I-...., I shouldn't have asked..My apologies."

He looked back at her, glaring, a stern look in his face that gave her chills. They proceeded to sit in silence as they ate their breakfast.

"Why are you still here" He asked as she washed their dishes. "And where is my car?"

"I don't know where your car is, so stop pestering me. If you really want to do something how about you help me with the dishes"

"Wait a second...You..did you stay over...don't tell me we-"

"We did nothing. You slept in that room and I slept on the sofa."

Ayla stands in his doorway, watching him put his items on the table, she quickly examines his home, a small, 1 storey flat. A polished wooden floor, with 2 bedrooms, a shared bathroom and an open kitchen. The walls were a dusty grey and the furniture, not worn out but not perfectly new either. Damon caught her staring intently at his home.

"Probably not as good as yours, princess" Damon said sarcastically, almost bitterly.

"It's a good house, it's big enough to live in, but small enough to feel warm."

"Don't tell me you are thinking about staying for lunch..wait..are you?"

"Depends, do you want me to?"

He stays silent. She scoffs and walks out, banging the door shut behind her. "Whatever." He thinks to himself.

It's been a few hours since she's left. He enters the shower and turns the knob. As the steam collects and hot water warms his body, he begins thinking about the past few days, how much he missed his mother, how his work was going so well, how he had many meetings to go to once he returned. He still needed to pick up his car, according to the tracker, it was at the beach. But who was this, the silhouette of a woman in every thought. Ayla. No. He couldn't've, why was he thinking about her,  there was no reason too yet she still appeared recurring in his mind. No. He promised himself he would never, ever think about a woman. He still had to be successful, Women will only get in the way. But if he didn't like her.. then why did her abrupt departure upset him? Why did he not like her absence? Why was she in all his thoughts? On the day of his mother's funeral, why did he end up near where she lived? Shit. This better not progress at all.

He hurried out of the shower and changed into clean, fresh clothes. He felt the sudden need to meet her. There was no reason for him to go yet he yearned for it. Do I want to be friends with her or something? He thought as took the bus, got his car and pulled over in her driveway. Only to see that her car wasn't there. "No. Had she gone partying again? The last time she'd almost gotten- urgh no. Why does she never stay at home?" Thoughts ran through Damon's mind as he remembered what happened last time, he'd been driving home late from work and he'd seen her, stumbling out of a house party, trying to get a cab. 2 men pulled up, and tried to force her into the car, she tried to resist but her drunk self couldn't. He rushed out of his car and pretended to be her boyfriend. He saved her. But what if this was happening again, but this time he wouldn't be there to save her, he'd never see her again. He began lightly banging his head on the steering wheel.

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