Chapter 6: A New Beginning.

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It has been 3 years since the incident, she's sold off all her shares from Chase's company and is living lavishly in London. From afar, Ayla looks like a successful woman, happy and all. But every successful person has their past. Her guilt slowly eats away at her heart, his last look. His haunting glance. Chase... She'd give anything for him to be back, for his reassuring smile to tell her it'll be alright, for him to hold her close as she cried her heart out, but it was all too late now. She'd never felt love, craving it, she fell into the trap of the Orions of John, taking her brother down with her. The only source of love she'd ever felt was from Chase, and now he was gone, all because of her.

Her mother was a drunk, growing up abused, she knew as soon as her brother was born, they'd have to get out of that house. She spent a year saving, packing. She'd heard of a safe place near the countryside, a place for people to live and be loved. And they were loved, for the first week or so- until they found out the birth date of her brother. She was 17.

After her escape from there, she'd spent her years carefully scheming, making allies in and out of the cult, to take them down. And it had worked, months after moving, news reached her that the leader had died, committed suicide writing a note, explaining all that had happened, his crimes, his secret son, everything. Justice had been served, but then why wasn't she at peace? His absence killed her everyday, she promised herself to never let herself get attached to anyone like that ever again.

She'd begun drinking excessively, she had no reason to live and she lived like it. Partying till late hours of the night and always hungover. She took risks, but she was never stupid, she knew to never trust anyone enough to let them pass you a drink, and to keep her distance, even as drunk, she'd messed up once or twice but somehow always managed to save herself.

Last night she'd met a man, nothing new for her but he was different. He didn't sleep with her, he just made sure she got home safe. He dropped her off, and for a minute, she just stood there, as he drove off in the distance, she wanted him to come back. The phone in her hand buzzed and the screen lit up, "Incoming call: Mum"

It was his phone; a pure accident. She smiled and opened the door to her cold, lonely house. The floors, polished, with a marble finish. A clean white coating of paint glazed the walls, designed to give the building a modern touch but only making it colder. The velvet sofas were still good, even 3 years after being bought, due to them being never used. The house itself was a 3 storey mansion, with a bedroom on each floor, each containing its own personal bathroom and walk-in closet. The terrace gave the view of the entire neighbourhood on one side, then the vast, empty, cold sea on the other. It was a beach house, which wasn't a smart move since every time she looked outside, she saw Chase's car being swept away by the sea.

She walks towards the stairs to go up to her room, but fails. She throws up on the marble and falls asleep on the sofa.

The next morning she's woken by the rancid smell of vomit on the stairs which she then proceeds to clean with bleach. She makes herself breakfast, a strong, dark coffee and burnt toast and repeats last night's events. The phone lies on the table next to her as she awaits another call, or the owner to come pick it up. She remembers his face, scaringly similar to Chase's, the same dark, messy hair. The sharp jawline. But he was different, he had eyes as grey as the stormy clouds and the expression on his face was hostile, yet caring. As if he'd rather be always someplace else but he still cared. She didn't get his name but planned to. She began daydreaming about him and her spell was broken from the doorbell at the front door. She hurried to open it and saw herself in the mirror, she was a wreck. Her hair messed in a bun, she herself, changed into baggy clothes looking as if a homeless man had broken into her home. She practiced her smile and opened the door. She met his cold gaze with a warm smile, holding his phone out. He took it without saying a word and began walking down the pebble stairs.

"Ayla." She introduced herself, holding out her hand. He turned back and said "Damon." He returned her handshake by giving her phone back before he walked off silently.

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