Chapter 9: The date

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"Knock knock" He looked up to Ayla, on the other side of his window.

"Hey dude, you're blocking my driveway."

"What...Oh sorry...wait where were you!"

"Err, I went out to buy some things...why-"

"I just remembered, I technically saved your life the other day. Remember when you were drunk and all and you had my phone..." He grins. " Now that you owe me. Buy me dinner.. i'm starving"

"What are you talking about, I hope you did not forget Mr. Suicide but I also saved your life, we're even. If you want to talk, be a normal person and say hello, now move your car.."

He smirks, "Make me...And besides my wallet that included all my cash and card were soaked in water. Im broke."

She sighed.

They sit facing each other in a dim lit restaurant, it's like deja vú for Ayla. As they skim the menu, she breaks the silence.

"Is this sufficient enough for you?"

"Could be better."

"Gosh, you are so picky. Even after I'm buying you all this food"

She said as she cupped her hands towards her neck. She started looking around only to see that the restaurant was filled by couples on dates and whatnot.
"Oh my god, do you think we look like a couple in front of the other customers....Do you think they think we are on a date." She said covering her face in sheer embarrassment

"They can think what they want. We both know that will never happen." He said not looking up at her.

"How does this not affect you, What are you, an ignorant rock or something?"

He now looked up at her and smirked.
"Judging by your reaction, I can tell this affects you quite dearly. I mean you must like me alot" He said sarcastically

"Tch.... Say that again and you won't have teeth to chew this food."

They both stared at each other and chuckled at the same time. The awkwardness that came after was broken by the waiter, asking for what they wanted. Going back, he trips on her bag and it falls, he picks it up and puts it on the table. 

Time flies as they tell each other about themselves over a fancy lobster, and some other seafood none of which got eaten.

She paid and they then left the restaurant, they'd walked in the dark near the beach as the wind brushed against them both. For a reason unknown to them, they lingered around at an especially slow pace; they both knew deep down that it was because they wanted to spend a little more time with each other, to fill in what they didn't have, a friend. They were both lonely anyway, what good would it do to them to enter their house only to be welcomed by the bliss of loneliness. As the sun fell and the moon rose, the cloud covered the endless sky and the echoes of their laughter filled the neighbourhood. Once they were tired and their legs had run out of strength to walk, it was then that they were attacked. The men from the night which Damon rescued Ayla from. They had returned and were no longer interested in the girl but rather in the boy's endurance. One of them smashed Damon's back from behind with a metal baseball bat. A punch came to his gut by another. A kick to his throat by their leader. One of them held Ayla back as she screamed his name, tears streaming down her cheeks. They fought with Damon beating him hard, black and blue. He was already near to being knocked out. So they threw him on the floor. Left him. Discarded. His vision was blurry but with his half open eyes he saw something that instantly made his anger flare. Their leader went close to Ayla almost kissing her whilst holding a knife up against her neck. He stood up straight, he could hear her echoes screaming for him to run as the group rushed at him with their baseball bats and knives.

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