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With Sans

Back and forth. Back and forth. I paced the living room, trying to figure out how [Y/N] had magic. She had to be some sort of wizard.. But wizards died out a long time ago.. Right? One thing was for sure, she needed to learn to control her magic. "why didn't she trust me..?" It hurt my soul. I could have helped her in.. Well all of this, but she left me in the dark. We were going to need to talk about this. I couldn't trust her if she was going to keep secrets from me.. I paused my pacing. I knew the where and the when. There was a knock at the door. "hm? who would come here at this hour..?" Was it that street rat? I was more then ready to give him a piece of my mind, but it wasn't him.


With Jack

Ever since that.. Thing happened I'd been worried. [Y/N] was my best friend.. My only friend. I wasn't scared of her and her.. Magic? No. Ethan had done that on purpose. She wouldn't hurt someone unless they deserved it. After school I went to see if she was home, but she wasn't. Nobody was. So I resolved to come back later, after I finished my homework. It took longer than expected, but now I was staring worriedly at the skeleton from earlier. "Is.. Is [Y/N] home?" I didn't know her relationship to this guy. He looked intimidating, sockets dark and stance firm and rigid. Until he saw it was me. He relaxed immediately, white pin pricks acting as his pupils. "oh hey. you're [Y/N]'s friend. little late ain't it?"
"Yeah.. I came by earlier but nobody was home.. Is she ok?"
"she'll be fine now. you're concern is appreciated though. she'll be glad she didn't lose a friend."
"Uh huh. I AM surprised, but it's pretty cool really. I just want her to be ok."
"hey.. why don't you come by tomorrow after school. i'm sure it'll be a relief to her."
"Huh? Ok! Thanks Mr.."
"sans. sans the skeleton. [Y/N]'s guardian." GUARDIAN!? "I'm Jack.. Nice to meet you, Sans.
"you too, kiddo. goodnight."
"Goodnight, see you tomorrow."


The next day

To [Y/N]

You woke up, pretty worn out. Your magic was drained which in turn made you feel drained. [D/N] nudged you, whining worriedly. You weakly pushed them off and stumbled downstairs to find Sans and Papyrus staring at you. At first you were confused. Than you remembered yesterday. No wonder you were drained. You were quick (not really) to rush back upstairs, but you froze in place as a heavy sort of weight was placed on your soul. It's usual [S/C] was replaced with a dark blue color. "[Y/N].. IS THERE SOMETHING YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT?" Papyrus prompted, turning you around. You looked down in shame. "..."
"just cause. people and monsters both like to take their pain out on others and they found pap to be an ample target, just like since you were the new kid, you were the target in your school. if you'd just come to me, i could have stopped your bullies like i'd stopped papyrus's. understand?" You were starting to get it. You teared up A little. You never used to have help, and now you had so much. It was almost overwhelming. "I'm.. Sorry.. I understand.."
"NYEH. DO NOT CRY!" Papyrus was quick to pull you into a hug. You accepted it. "NYEH! LOOK AT THE TIME! I HAVE TO GET TO WORK!" He bid hasty farewells before dashing off, leaving you to sit on the floor with [D/N] at your side since you were still drained. "Did.. Did you tell him about my.. Uh.. My magic?"
"no. not yet. but you'll have to tell them eventually. Until then.." Sans walked up to me and grabbed my hand. There was a moment of darkness and then.. Birds were chirping..


It was a long, golden colored hall. Speakers on either corner of said hall played bird noises. It was kind of relaxing actually. "i'm going to be training you into your magic here so that you don't have any more magic attacks." Sans explained. "Oh.. Oh wow.." It was very beautiful. Sans chuckled. "[Y/N].. please.. stop keeping secrets from me. it makes it very hard to trust you when you do.."
"Ok Sans.. Ok. What do you want to know?"
"everything. your magic, your past, all of it. you don't have to tell me right now but.."
"Soon." He nodded. "well sense your drained right now, no point in staying here. let's go home, somebody is visiting today that may just make your day." You gave Sans a confused look.


Sans said nothing more on the mystery visitor. You were now resting on the couch with Sans and the big lap dog of yours. You slipped in and out of sleep all day. You magic levels were rising steadily thanks to said sleep when there was a knock at the door just as you woke up again. You mumbled incoherently as Sans went to answer it and you distinctly heard Jack's voice. Wait Jack?! Now you were up, said friend, if you could still call him that, approached you and you averted your eyes. "Hey.. How ya feeling?" He asked. "Fine.. A little tired.." He smiled. "That's good. I was worried you hurt yourself with that magic of yours or something.." He laughed a little to lighten the mood. "..."
"[Y/N]? What's wrong?"
"Don't.. Don't you think I'm a freak? A creature that shouldn't exist?" When you looked up, him and Sans both were giving you hard stares. "who the hell told you that?" Sans growled. "Why would I ever think that? Your my best friend."
"I-I.." You faltered. You didn't know what to say. You didn't deserve Jack's kindness nor did you deserve Sans's overprotectiveness. Honestly.. you'd never seen Sans like this. It made your soul swell. "Jared.. The bully.. And his buddies.." You told Sans honestly. You were tearing up again. You didn't deserve it, but you were glad you had it.

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