Chapter 2 - At Malfoy Manor

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We took the Hogwarts Express from the school to the train station. I sat next to Draco and facing Blaise. Blaise started talking about that "Potter boy" kept suspecting Draco doing something bad. I don't really have hate towards him and the Gryffindors but being in Slytherin, they stand with the stereotypes of us being bad and evil.

I was zoned out when they were having the conversation. I was thinking of Draco's mom, Narcissa Malfoy. She's a gorgeous lady, very pretty. I swear, if she's not married - I'll probably go run after her. I smiled by myself and a nudge sent me back to reality,
"What are you thinking of?" Draco asked.
"Nothing." I answered.
"Yeah right, you were smiling by yourself. It means somethi-"
"Shut up. It's nothing okay? I just thought of a joke and it's funny so I laughed," Hoping he'll accept that.
"Okay, whatever" He turned his body and said, "Weirdo" under his breath. I cleared my throat and looked at him with an annoyed look.

So then he continued bad mouthing Harry, he was laughing at him.
"He looks so dumb, just like his friends that Weasley boy and that Mudblood." He emphasizes on the word mudblood because he loathes them. He hates every muggle born that studies at Hogwarts, he believes in Pure blood witches and wizards. It took him by surprise when I told him that I was a half blood, my mom's a muggle and my dad's a wizard. And not just that, he was surprise when he learned about my father's Hogwarts house, he was in Ravenclaw.

He kept talking and talking all through the train ride. After a few hours of journey, we arrived at the place. We apparated ourselves to the gates of Malfoy Manor.
"Whoa. Whoever walks through that gate must have a grand entrance," I stated.
"Ha! I know right? The white peacock is my mom's idea, and the tall black and dark green gate was my dad's."
"Okay, and what did you pitch in?" I raised my eyebrow, making fun of him.
"I chose the lock and the knob for the gate" He said while looking down. I was holding my breath but I couldn't contain it any longer so I let out a laugh and Draco rolled his eyes then joined me laughing.
"Well let's go in, I'm tired already." He told me while opening the gate. We both joked around and walked extravagantly with our arms opened as if we're walking into an arena trying to impress the audience.

We're at the door and before we can knock, it was opened and a goddess appears. It was Narcissa. She was smiling then hugged Draco.
"Oh Draco, what took you so long? I missed you" she gave a peck on his cheek. He was embarrassed at that moment.
"Mom, this is y/n. Y/n, my mother." Draco introduces me to his mother.
"Hello y/n, it's so nice to finally meet you" She holds out her hand to shake mine. I reached for her hand and shook it.
"And you too. I'm sorry for taking us so long, I was complimenting the gate outside. It's magnificent." I started a conversation. She laughed and told me again the story of how Draco's part was to choose the lock and knob.

"Why are we still at the door? Come on in, just put the bags there Draco. The house elves will help you."
"You know what, let me handle my bag by myself. It's okay." I plead to her. I really don't want the house elves to pick my bags up.
"Y/n, just let them. It's their job, silly." Draco said while throwing his suit towards one of the elves. Then he walked away into the living room, leaving his mother and I alone.
"I'm sorry Draco is like that, I guess he gets that kind of attitude from his father - have you met him? His father, um my husband." She said while picking up the suit from the house elves.
"No, I haven't. But I've heard lots of things about him." I answered.
"All good things I hope" she smiled.
"Here, let me show you where you'll be sleeping at."
I took my bags from the house elf and carried it. I followed her through the house and it was so huge. The ceilings are high, the walls are painted dark colours, the floors and all, it's so beautiful and magical. I was at awe, and apparently she saw it,
"You like what you're seeing?" She asked, I lowered my sight from the ceilings to her and I thought, "I am now." I smiled at her and said, "Oh yes. It's so beautiful Mrs Malfoy."
"Please, you can call me Narcissa. I feel old when people call me 'Mrs Malfoy'. I just dislike it." She tells me.

We continued walking, it was a big house - I probably could be lost here. Then finally we arrived at the guest bedroom.
"Here's the bedroom. You can sleep in here. Have your time to relax and unpack, then I supposed I come back here and bring you to the dining room. We'll have dinner." She said while circling around the room. I guess she's making sure the room is in place?
"You don't have to do that. I can find the dining room myself. I think." I curiously told her.
"No matter, this is your first time here. I don't want you to be lost or anything." I laughed and she smiled at me. Then she nodded her head before walking out. She closed the door behind her, and now I'm alone in the room. I laid down on the bed, it's so comfy. I looked around the room and amazed at the decoration, the furnitures. I sat back up, took my bag and placed it on the bed. I started to unpack my things one by one. And then I heard a knock on the door which it startled me. I opened it and it was Narcissa. My hand was on my chest when I opened it and she pointed it out.
"Are you okay? I'm sorry, did I startled you?" She worriedly asked me. I nodded my head and smiled at her,
"It's okay. I was mesmerised with the room and your knock kind of suprised me." I chuckled.
"Are you all set? I'll show you the way to the dining room. Lucius and Draco are already there." She told me. I walked out and we went to the dining room.

As we were entering the room, there was a sound of clash of pots from the kitchen. We both rushed inside.
"What was that?" Narcissa asked. Someone was laughing, and it was not Draco but someone older. And that someone walked out of the kitchen.
"Ha! The elves are really no use Cissa." He said. It was Lucius Malfoy, Draco's father. He has this long white blonde-ish hair and a silver snake cane at hand. He looked at me and raised his eyebrow.
"And you are? I believe we haven't met." He asked me.
"Y/n L/n. I'm a friend of Draco's, um your beautiful wife here invited me." I told him. He gave me a smirk and walked past me. The dining room was dark themed too, the long dining table with lots of chairs. Draco came into the room and suprised me from the back.
I jumped when he did that, I slapped him on the shoulder.
"You're so annoying." I realised that both his parents was looking at us, "I'm sorry, he always does this to me. Especially at school, he enjoys scaring me." Draco smiled weakly to his parents, Narcissa chuckled softly and Lucius said,
"Now, now, Draco. Is that true?" Draco lowered his gaze to the floor. I clearly can see that the situation is awkward so I cleared my throat and asked Narcissa where should I sit. She pointed out a chair in front of Draco.

We're all took our seats and waited for the elves to bring us the foods. Narcissa stood up trying to go into the kitchen to help the elves and Lucius said no. He told her to sit back down. After few minutes the elves at last brought out the foods. One of the elves, placed my food on the mat and I whispered "thank you", which he looked shocked. I figured he probably never had a chance of someone saying thank you. As we all started to dig in our food, a banging sound and a hysterical laughter was heard. And that person walked out still laughing while holding their wand at hand. She stopped and take a good look at me, up and down while smirking. I motioned at Draco with my eyes and eyebrow, with my face trying to ask him who is that woman.
"Y/n, I'd like for you to meet my sister." I was shocked, I didn't know she had a sister who is equally hot as she is. Then she continued telling me her name.
"Bellatrix Black Lestrange."

*a/n: so we finally meeting Bella! how do you like this chapter? i hope y'all like it, because i enjoyed writing this one. please vote and comment, maybe i'll try and fix it for you.

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