Chapter 4 - Wild Woman

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"What? I was just asking. Am I not allowed?" I asked him. He shakes his head with a sigh.
"It's not that you're not allowed, I don't think you'd want to know about her. I'm serious here y/n." He tried to convince me. Of course I do not take no for an answer. So I kept pushing him to tell me. Then his father called on us,
"Draco, what on earth are you two doing? Whispering and somewhat arguing over there?" Draco told him nothing. His father squints his eyes with a serious look on his face. His father who was sitting now stood up, walking out the room. I believe he's going back to his office. Draco at the same time was walking away from me.

I catch up with him and said,
"Hey! Come on, I just want to know few things. It's not that hard." He rolled his eyes with an annoyed grunt. We're walking back to his room.
"I know it's not hard. I just don't want to. It's you who's going to be hard taking all the stuffs about her." We're now outside his room, he opens the door, he steps inside and with his last words, I thought he's convinced to tell me but..
"And I still don't want to. You'll have to ask her yourself." He adds on. Then slams the door at my face. He was laughing inside the room.
"Not cool Draco! I'll kill you!" I banged the door with my fist. I repeatedly called his name out, not shouting because his parents could listen. Which is exactly what happened. His mother cleared her throat and said,
"Uh, y/n?" I turned around shocked.
"Is everything okay? why were you banging on Draco's door?"
"Sorry Mrs Malfoy. I mean, Narcissa. I was just asking for some things from Draco, and he is not cooperating. At all."
She shook her head while smiling.
"You kids. Is this how you both are at Hogwarts?" She raised her eyebrow.
"Yes, sort of."
"No!" Draco answered through the door. Narcissa laughed. "Oh what were you asking for? Maybe I can help you, something about school?" She said. I don't know whether I should tell her or not, what if she doesn't want to talk about it.
"Y/n, are you okay? you were zoned out for a little bit there," She looks at me concerned, she brought her right hand and placed it on my right shoulder.
"Y- yes. I'm okay." I was nervous, she put her hand on my shoulder. I could scream. And then Draco's door creaks open, he looks at me with a smug face. Narcissa smiled and said,
"Well you two kids go have fun. But not too loud, your father is busy with work and you don't want him to be mad." She took her hands off and walked away. I looked at Draco with an annoyed look, and all he said was,
"You could've knocked softly, then I would open it for you."
"Whatever, stupid. Now, are you going to tell me? Just a few things, not exactly all the details." I begged him. He gave way for me to walk inside his room and I did.
"Jeez Draco, don't you ever clean up in here?" I joked around with him.
"Okay, one comment about my room..I'll tell you to get out." I laughed and then we both sat on the floor. This feels like two campers sitting telling horror stories.

"What do you want to know about my aunt?" He reassures with me.
"Anything, I don't care. No, wait. Maybe the stuffs that you said 'would be hard for me to take it all in,' That'll be okay." He was looking at me, shaking his head because of me being stubborn.
"Fine." I adjusted my sit, excitingly. "Well, My Aunt Bella is known for the crazy, wild things she did. She used to be locked up in Azkaban. And I remember, she once burned a house, and all she did was laughing, jumping up and down outside the house. She's scary but at the same time cool."
"Are you serious? Azkaban? That's- wow- I don't- wow. I'm speechless" He took a small breath and continued,
"I don't know about this but some people said that she used the forbidden spell once on some family." He asked me if I'm okay after listening to the story and I was still speechless.
"Y/n, Hello? Earth to y/n. I told you, it's going to be hard to process all this story."
"That's awesome but also wild." I said.
"Yeah whatever. Listen, you do not tell this story to anyone. And if you ever came across my aunt, don't and I said don't tell her that you are a half blood. Get it?" He urges me to not tell. I raised both my hands and agreed with him.

Then we eventually spent time together playing cards. It was a rough game. We were playing so intently that we lost track of time. It's almost 2am and I need to get some sleep although I don't want the night to end,
"Come on Draco, the night's still young. What are you worried about? I challenge you for a game of poker? What do you say?" I told him while raising my eyebrows at him hoping it could convince him but no. He told me to get out of his room and go back to the guest room where I am staying in. I grunt then steps out of his room.
"But hey, help me get back to my room please-" He slams the door at my face, again.
"I swear Draco, if I get lost in your own mansion, and I die or something.. I'll haunt you." I threatened him. No reply, It was just silence. I moved my leg and grunted at the same time.

As I was looking for my room, I talked to myself thinking about the things Draco told,
"Holy shit. His aunt was a prisoner at Azkaban. And she may or may not torture someone. But damn, what a wild woman. I like that. Hah!" I continued walking into a dimmed- light living room, I was stopped. There was a figure standing, and it was leaning on the wall. I took a good look and realised it was a lady, she walked towards into the room. And who was it? It was the wild woman.

*a/n: I thank all of you for reading this book! I love y'al so so much. Please do comment on it, this way I can improve the story. But nonetheless, thanks to those who votes the chapters. Enjoy and have a great day everybody!!

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