Chapter 16 - Back to Hogwarts

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At the King's Cross Station, we see a lot of other Hogwarts students clamoring about. Some were chasing their pets, some were hugging their family. As we went through, we saw a glimpse of the golden trio. Hermione smiled at me, we were partnered in Potions and since then we became friends. Although, Draco doesn't really know that I was friends with her, I mean he does know that we were partners for Potions Class. He scoffed looking at them, he went in to the train compartments for us Slytherins. 

On our way to Hogwarts, Draco had pulled out the deck of cards I gave him at Christmas.
"Dude, is that new cards?" Blaise asked him intently.
"Yeah, y/n gave it to me for Christmas." he answered him, Blaise then looked at me with a slightly annoyed look.
"I thought we agreed on giving him a shitty gift."
"Wha- I mean, yes. But I wasn't the one who's in charge to get them. You are, and Pansy." Draco looked at me and laughed. He shook his head then starts to shuffle the cards in his hands.
"Hey, Blaise. Blackjack? are you in or out?"
"Count me in." Blaise said while adjusting his seat.
They started playing and arguing on the rules, Blaise was losing and he decided to take it up and made a bet. Whoever loses has to be their slave for at least one week. Both of them agreed on the bet and walked out of their seats, then took on another seats near us because as Draco said,
"It's getting serious and you're going down." I couldn't care less, and can't help it but to stare outside and take all the beauty in. Just as I was doing that, Pansy who was still sitting at the same place as me, tapping the table with her nails to catch my attention.
"So, the Malfoy Manor. How was it? How does it look like?"
"It was amazing, truly out of this world. I met his parents, his family."
"I'm so jealous of you. You got to meet his family, how were they? I heard they're scary. Especially his father, oh and his aunt." My mind wanders off, thinking about Bella. She taps on the table again, I shook my head,
"Right, sorry. Uh well they were okay, scary? that's for sure. But, it phases out on me and I don't really mind plus they've been nice to me."
"Lucky you. I've always wanted to go there, but if I went there without invitation his parents probably would kick me out. I wanted to meet his mother, what if she doesn't like me for going out with her son?" she said with a worried look. I turned to see Draco and Blaise still playing cards, with some people interested to see who would lose.
"Trust me, his mother would be okay. She's pretty cool." she raised both her shoulders and sighed. 

Past Pansy, my sight turned to focus on the Gryffindor's train. I see Hermione and Ginny talking together.
"I'm going to go to the lavatory. Just over there." I pointed and excused myself. I stood up with both my hands pushing against the table. I walked over, opened the door and closed it behind me. As I got closer to the girls, Ginny saw me.
"Y/n, hey!" she gave me a hug,
"Hi y/n, how are you?" Hermione said as she gave me a hug too.
"Eh, well you know. The break was fine and all."
"Oh yeah, you went to the Malfoy Manor. How was it?" Ginny grabbed my arm, pulling me closer but also away from the rest of the Gryffindor students. I laughed a little, realizing how they ask about the Manor and Draco's family.
"I mean, it's huge. It was amazing to be there, I had fun."
"Fun? at the Malfoy Manor." Hermione commented. I nodded my head and raised my eyebrows at the same time. Just when we were talking, asking each other how our holidays were, a distant cheer was heard.
"Oh that's my call. So great to see you both again. I'll see you at the Great Hall and in class soon. Bye!" I walked away,
"Almost forgot, say hi to the boys for me. Bye, see you soon!" I waved at them. Entering the Slytherin's train, Blaise lowered his head and was shaking it which means he lost. Draco on the other hand, celebrating his victory by telling Blaise to carry his stuffs the minute we arrives at Hogwarts.
"Y/n, did you put a winning spell on the card or something? No way he'd win the game." Blaise asked me, then cussed under his breath.
"Complain all you want, I still won." he laughed and scoffed.

After a few hours of journey in the train, being stuck with Draco, we finally arrived at Hogwarts. The staff started yelling out, telling us to smoothly exit the train. Stepping off the train, we were searched thoroughly. Then we get on the carriage and brought some of our stuffs along. Now we're finally back at Hogwarts, we each go to our dormitory and into our individual rooms where we were told to change into our robes then go to the Great Hall for dinner. I got into my room, and let myself fall into the bed. I took a deep breath, and let out a relieved sigh. At the same time I took out the necklace from hiding inside my clothes. I played with it then brought the necklace closer to my lips, gave a little kiss. Reminding me of Bella's kiss that she gave.
"Oh, Bella." I said while looking at the necklace. It was almost time, so I changed into my robes quickly and casted a spell so all my stuff would be tucked away, back to its place by itself. Only leaving the book on the bed where then I put it on the bedside table. Walking out of my room, Pansy was waiting for me.
"I heard there are some new first years students coming in." she said,
"Really? I thought they'll enroll next week. I guess Dumbledore really wants us to leave so badly huh?" I joked with her, she laughed.
"Well, let's go. The boys can find their way to the table won't they?" I said, turning myself and her around. We both went through the halls, the moving staircases, walking along the corridors, chatting about the rest of our Christmas break. The sound of students chattering, laughing meant that we're close to The Great Hall. We entered and settled ourselves, the boys came in few minutes after us, we all sat and of course make jokes, we had dinner as the food appears on the table in front of us. An hour or so the new students had walked in with awe looking around the Great Hall, astounded by the surroundings.
"I hope this doesn't take too long. Too tired for this, like why are we here to see all this? This doesn't concern us." he looks at me with furrowed brows,
"Does it?" I look behind me thinking he might talk to someone else, but realizing that he was actually talking to me,
"Hey don't look at me, I don't know. If they had told us to do it, then we have to. And you're one of the prefects." Feeding myself with foods while raising my shoulders.
"Hey y/n, want to bet?" Blaise suggested.
"Ooh okay. Bet on what?"
"That new kid, what do you reckon her Hogwarts house will be? I'd say Hufflepuff. How about you?" I disagree with him,
"I don't think so. 4 Galleons says that she'll be in Ravenclaw." he nods and shook my hand. Draco rolled his eyes at me,
"What? It's no harm." We all turned towards the kid with the sorting hat, waiting intently on the result.
"...Ravenclaw!" the sorting hat said out loud as the Ravenclaw students clapped and cheering while they gained one new student, walking happily towards them.
"Ha! I told you!" I put out my hand, waiting for him to give me the money. He scoffed while lending me the money. Draco looks at me and shakes his head,
"Easiest money I could make." we laughed.

Just a few hours after the sorting ceremony, we were all told to go back to our dormitories along with the new students. Because Draco and Pansy were made prefects, they were told to take the kids to the common room. Draco and the rest of us walked past them and I could sense some kids' fear just looking at us. Some kids were whispering, talking about us. At the front of the door, Draco said out the password, "Pure-Blood" and as we entered the lounge of our common room, the kids are amazed again, Blaise and I sat at the back waiting for the 'wise words' from Draco. He turned and made an announcement,
"Okay everyone, listen. The boys' room is that way and the girls' room is the one across it. Might I remind you that we Slytherins are born to be brave, not stupid. So if you act the other way, you will hear things you don't want to. Now, I don't want any of you to mess with my things, you are not allowed to enter my room, and you can speak to me only if there is anything important. Understand?" the kids nodded their heads.
"Now scram" he said. Blaise walked up to him,
"Harsh dude."
"Whatever, and you were supposed to bring me my drink, remember? you're still my slave." he laughs while Blaise on the other hand, grunts. We all said our goodnights and went into our room. In my room now, all ready to go to sleep, I took the book Narcissa gave me and sat on the bed. I decided to read a chapter or two, I opened and saw the little message she wrote again. Continued on reading only one chapter, I stopped as I felt sleepy and my eyes starts to get heavy. I put the book down and let myself get comfortable on the bed, sideways I lay on top of my hand, looking outside the window in my room. I thought to myself,
"Lucky me for landing on this room with a window. I have it all, the stars and everything." The chain of the necklace hits the pendant and made a little clink sound, which made me look down and hold it in my hand. I look up and outside the window and said,
"Good night Bella, I love you." then gave a little kiss on the necklace.

*a/n: hey there! i am a bit occupied with stuffs at the moment so do expect late updates on the story. every once in a while, i can try to type in some ideas if i had the time. so, i certainly feel that this chapter was not the best, but i hope that you will like it. i actually wasn't sure on how to end the chapter, but maybe it's okay with you? anyway, thank you so much for reading the book this far, i love yall! and thank you for all the support, the votes, even the wonderful comments you gave for this book. i appreciate it so much. i really do hope that the story has been good and fun for you! but then again, if anything is not good and you think i can improve it, do tell, so maybe i can work things around and change for the better. anyways, have a lovely day or night wherever you are. and of course, please take care and stay safe <33

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