Chapter 17 - Surprise Visit

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"Hey what class do we have today?" he asked me. I swallowed the food, and look at him shocked.
"You don't know what class we have today? Don't you ever check the schedule Draco?"
"Well I figure, you're here. I can just ask you. I mean, you're basically the walking schedule for me." he snickered. I took the papers of the student next to me, rolled it up and raising it up to almost hitting him on the head. He flinches and covered his head with his hands,
"Okay, okay. I was kidding."
"Good. Well anyway, today we have Potions with Snape. And then I think we have different class. I have Charms and you have your favorite class, Arithmancy." he nodded his head, while squinting his eyes. As Draco grabbed a green apple to eat, it was mail time. Some owls were flying above us carrying letters, some carried packages. The students reaching for their packages falling mid-air, the sound of students chattering about letters they receive. Soon after, an owl came by - it was the eagle owl belonged to the Malfoys. It came with a letter and some packages of sweets that Narcissa would send daily for Draco.
"Oh hey, my mom sent me a letter."
"And some candies for little Draco" I taunted him.
"Does baby Draco needed some sweets to ease the pain?" Blaise continued teasing him, doing the baby crying sound.
"Okay. Shut up." he opens the letter, and read it quietly. While the other laughed by themselves, I see Draco reading the letter intently, so focused. I'm worried something happened to Narcissa, or Bellatrix so I asked him,
"Hey. Is there something wrong?"
"Not exactly, it seems like normal to me. But in this letter, my mom is worried of Aunt Bella."
"Bella? why, did something happened?"
"I honestly don't know. Here, mom said she went out but haven't come home." I snatched the letter from his hand and read it through.
"oh my gosh, do you think she is fine?" he raised his shoulders, noting that he has no clue either. The sound of bell tolling means it's the end of breakfast. We continued on with our day and went into class.

Walking towards the class, I kept thinking about her - about Bella. Worrying where she might be, she may be the wild woman, who is not scared of anything but I kept worry for her. Now going inside the class while hugging the books, we saw the golden trio sitting and laughing. We sat, I opened my book reviewing the last term topics. And then Draco starts gossiping about them.
"They think they own the world. I swear, if I got my hands on them, I would-" he lifted his hands, choking the air as if it's one of the trio. I closed my book and cut him off,
"You would what? And where is your book?"
"I forgot about them. Nah actually I'm just too lazy to carry them."
"You have a wand, use them, cast a spell to carry it or something."
then the slam of the door can be heard. Professor Snape marches in, his robe tagging along behind him. All of us shut our mouth, and sat properly. He swerves and turned. Looking right at us with that piercing look.
"Take out your potions book, and turn to page 394." he directs us. I opened my book, doing exactly what he told us to do. Draco on the other hand looks flustered, he was avoiding making an eye contact with Snape, not even a little bit. He looks downward, turns to me and all I did was share my book with him. Snape wasn't even bothered to call him out, he only gave him a cold look like he always have been with the rest of us and then just go on with his day, teaching. After some time, Draco decided to pass some notes on when Snape's back was facing us. He wrote, "Dirty Mudblood" and then crinkled it up before throwing it away to the golden trio. It landed right on top of Hermione's books, she looked sideways and he raised his eyebrows quickly. I guess she opened it, that made her looked at us again but this time, a hateful look on her face. She looks angry, I mouthed to her,
"I'm sorry." She turns her head around, and continued with the class. I elbowed Draco softly,
"Why did you do that for? She was just minding her own business."
"Yeah well, I don't care. She's a mudblood, a disgrace to the Wizarding World." he whispers to me. I shook my head, disapproving his doings. We ended our class with Snape giving us a homework, that made most of us annoyed. 

"Okay, see you later for lunch. I'm gonna head to my other classes now. Later!" I said while we walked out the Potions class. I raised my hand and walked away from the group. Leaving just Draco with Blaise and Pansy. I walked and walked until I reached my other class, Charms. Hermione and Ginny walked alongside each other, I called them,
"Hey guys, wait up." I hurriedly catch up with them. I sat at the same table as the girls. I couldn't help but have the need to say sorry.
"Hermione, look I'm sorry because of Draco's stupidity." Ginny looked at us both blankly.
"Uh, am I missing something here? what happened?" she asked.
"Well, Draco. He wrote the word 'mudblood' on a piece of paper, and then-" Hermione looked agitated that she finished my sentence.
"Then he threw it at me, like that word is not hurtful enough to me." I placed my hand on her shoulder,
"I really am sorry. I couldn't help but to feel guilty for Draco's doing. I swear to Merlin, I don't get why he is doing this. I am so sorry, H." she shook her head,
"I'm just going to ignore it. Ugh, it's so annoying." we go on for a little bit more until Professor Flitwick's arrival to class. He teaches us new topics for the new term, and of course every question he asked, Hermione is there to answer. 

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