Chapter 22 - Tessomancy

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As much as I was intrigued by the subject, I looked over to Draco and said, "Hey, maybe I could know what's bothering you through the tea leaves. Then I could help you." I suggested to him.
"Cool, okay. So what do I do now?"
"Wait, she is still explaining it, Draco," I said to him.
"Now, you would need to drink the tea on the table in front of you. After that, the tea leaves that are left in the cup will be your partner's job to read. Refer to the book if you are not sure, now go. Drink and read the tea leaves." she explains with an enthusiastic tone. The whole class drinks the tea, and you can hear the sound of the teacup clinking with the saucer for those who are done. I blow on the tea before I drink it, teasing Draco by raising my pinky as I took a sip.
"God, you're annoying y/n," he rolled his eyes and we laughed together. When the two of us finished drinking the tea, we swapped our cups and started flipping through the textbooks, trying to look for the meaning of the tea leaves.
"Okay, you're ready Draco? I may help you with the thing that's troubling you." I said as I cleared my throat. We kept turning our teacups around, unsure where to start, and Trelawney saw us and came to our table.
"Have you read the tea leaves my dear?" she asked us.
"Uh, I'm sorry to say this but I'm not sure where to start."
"The cup is divided into three parts. The rim designates the present where the side, events not far distant, and the bottom is the distant future. The nearer the symbols appear to the handle, the nearer to fulfillment will be the events foretold." she explained it to us.

I nodded, agreeing, acting as if I understood when I was still unclear about it. We waited for her to walk away but she still hangs around the table,
"Go on dear, read the tea leaves," she said enthusiastically.
"Well, um..." I flipped through the textbook again,
"Okay, so this right here, I see somewhat looks like ants which I think means that there will be impending difficulties." then I continued,
"Ooh but I see an almost a crescent moon, which means fame, prosperity, and happiness. And uh, I think that's an ivy leaf. It looks like it," I showed it over to Professor Trelawney and she nodded yes.
"Okay, and that means he will have friends helping him on the road to gaining prosperity. That's all I can read from his tea leaves." he made a reassuring face while nodding along.
"That's good my dear, now your turn Mr. Malfoy." she lifted my teacup and handed it to Draco. He took one look and raised his head back up. With a furrowed brow, I asked him,
"What is it?"
"I think I see a sun. And that means good happiness." As he takes time to read it, Professor Trelawney put her hands out asking for the teacup. Draco gave it to her and began to read it.
"I see the heart and an anchor. Both those symbols mean that there is a lover present in your life. The woman symbol is also here, this means romance." she puts down the teacup and patted my hand while smiling as she walked away from our table. I looked a little nervous and worried about what he would think about it. He looks at me and a smirk begins to appear.
"What? I don't think it's a hundred percent true, does it?"
"Well, someone's really in love." he teased me by raising his eyebrows. I hit him softly, telling him to stop. 

After an hour and a half hour of class, I could sense that Draco is going to tell the gang about what happened so I braced myself. We met together outside of the class and while we were on our way to our next class,
"Hey, guess what I found out from reading y/n's tea leaves?" Draco goes.
"What?" they were interested,
"So, apparently our friend here is in love. I don't know with who but y/n got a lover, a secret admirer." he jokes around, poking fun about the tea leaves. I rolled my eyes at him, but was also somewhat worried, because what would happen if he finds out that the lover- this secret admirer of mine is his aunt? I mean, he knows that I have a crush on his Aunt Bella, and he might think of me just having a normal crush and that I wouldn't act on it. We entered The Great Hall and sat at the Slytherin table. Spending our free time there, just for an hour or so before going back to the next class. I sat down and kept quiet for a few minutes,
"See, she's thinking about that love right now." the gang looked over to me,
"Woo hoo hoo, y/n's got a secret admirer" Pansy taunts me as she elbowed me softly. Again, I rolled my eyes at her, feeling annoyed.
"Would you guys just shut up? Stop it, will you?"
"Alright guys, I think we should stop now." Draco calms the situation down.
"Thank you, Draco," I said but just as I was saying it, he goes,
"Or else, y/n's going to complain to her secret lover." I rolled my eyes and grabbed all my books then walked away and out of The Great Hall.

As I was walking out, I bumped into Hermione. Seeing me rushing out of the hall, she asked me,
"Oh hey, y/n. Whoa, are you alright?"
"Hey Hermione, yeah I'm okay. I'm just annoyed with Draco right now." I replied to her.
"What did he do to you now?" she worriedly ask me.
"It's nothing, just Draco being Draco. You know how that is. Stupid jokes non-stop." I sighed. Just when I wanted to continue talking, I felt a hand grabbing me back towards them. But the pull was too rough, that I ended up on the floor with my books everywhere. When I looked up to see who pulled me, I realized it was Draco.
"Go away, you mud-blood." he jeered at Hermione. He looked at me and said,
"What are you doing talking to her?"
"I can speak with whoever I want Draco. We're just talking about work." While I was pushing myself upwards to stand up, Hermione was helping me by picking up some of my books before Draco stopped her. He aggressively takes the books from Hermione.
"Go away, and don't ever talk to y/n." Hermione scoffed and walked away from us, I hit Draco from behind. Some other students were going in and out of the hall, and we moved to the side,
"What the hell? I know you have some problems with people that you called 'mud-bloods', which I am very much against it. But she is one of my classmates, and we're just talking about some school work."
"Y/n, I-"
"No, Draco. I know you just want to make sure that I am safe or whatever it is, but this is not the way. And you do not tell me what to do or who to talk with. I'm going to the common room. I need some time alone for a minute." I took my books from his hands and went to the common room.

*a/n: new update!! i am starting a new semester at university, so expect some late updates. i am sorry to those waiting for the new update. i hope you enjoy this chapter, thank you so much to those who had liked, voted, commented, and even supported this book. i appreciate yall so much. i am currently writing the next chapter, so for now, enjoy this one! anyways, i hope yall are staying safe and take care wherever you may be <3

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