Chapter 3 - Secretly Loving You

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"Stupid elves. They really make you always on your feet. Torture is the only way for them to listen to our orders." she said. I never seen or heard about her before. I wonder why Draco never talked about her. She takes a good look of me and asked,
"Who is this pretty little girl?" she smirks at me, then raised her eyebrow while moving her tongue across her lips from left to right. I cleared my throat,
"Um, I'm Y/n L/n. Uh, Draco's friend." I hesitated to tell her my name. She looks so scary, her dark curls some of them covering her face, her red lips and fair complex. Her black dress with black corsets hugging her waist, she's a real witch. She walked near me,
"Oh I guess we'll sit next to each other, y/n." She pulls the chair and sat beside me. I scooted a little over but I think she saw it which made her talk,
"What? Are you scared of me? Don't be." She said with a bit of sarcastic tone and then winked at me. I laughed nervously and looked back at the food.

I played with the cutleries, moving it away from its original place. Narcissa told us to eat our dinner and while we're doing it, we talked about school which Bellatrix goes on and complained about Dumbledore. She clearly hates him,
"Ugh that old man. I've always had a very opposite feelings towards him. Like he knows better than all of us." She rolled her eyes. Then she looked at me and asked a little something about me,
"Now y/n, how about you? How long have you been friends with Draco?" Narcissa was shocked with the question, and she coughed trying to clear the awkwardness because I was still quiet. Bellatrix turned her face to look at her,
"I was just asking her Cissy. Not more than that, trying to know our new friend" she turned to me, "Go on y/n, I won't bite." She cackled. I cleared my throat and told her most of the things about myself.
"Uh, about six to seven years now. I've known him since our first day at Hogwarts. He has been a great friend to me, although trouble sometimes got ahold of us both. I'm half-" Draco coughed loudly just when I was about to tell about my parents.
"what she's trying to say is that she's always almost halfway to the edge to strangle me. Y/n and I always find trouble," He said frantically, "but they wouldn't dare to suspend us since father worked at the ministry." He added. I looked at him and he barely shook his head.

"Hah! They better be scared with us. That old man does not know better, all he knows is to run the school but he's not doing it right. He only pays attention to that Potter boy. I swear if only I can lay my hands on him, I'd ki-" She was cut by Narcissa. "Bella, please." She pleads. Bellatrix then looked at me and starts playing with her cutleries, licking the spoon while looking at me almost as if she's flirting with me. I felt a little uncomfortable but also turned on with it. She winked at me, I nervously said that the food was nice. We finished eating and all the elves came out to clear the table and I wanted to help but Draco grabbed my arm and dragged me out the dining room, away from his family.

"Ow. What the hell Draco. What's wrong with you?" He looked at me with both his eyes big then rolled them.
"Are you that stupid? My aunt is not someone to kid around with especially with blood status. She's very much into keeping the wizarding world only to pure bloods. She hates muggle born kids and half bloods. And you're one, so either you want to feel her wrath or survive, you better not mention your blood status." He turned around to check if someone is standing nearby. "Do you understand y/n?" I nodded yes. He turned and asked me to join the rest of the family in the living room.

When we walked inside, Narcissa was all alone and she was reading a book. She looked up from the book and called us out,
"What were you two doing?" I was flustered enough to talk. Narcissa cut me off when she was reminded by something. She turned to Draco,
"Draco, your father called you in his office. Your Aunt Bella is in there too, well they both wanted you." He was quiet and nodded his head then turned. I looked at Narcissa and smiled,
"So uh, just us both here." I pointed out her book as if I didn't realise it the first thing I walked in.
"Oh you're reading, Cool. What's the book about?" I sat on the same sofa as she is. She laughed a little with my comment. I was feeling insecure,
"What? Is there something on my face?" I wiped my face with the sleeves of my clothes and she was still laughing quietly.
"Oh there is something in my teeth then? This is embarrassing. Look away, I'm insecure." I covered my mouth with my hands. I was checking my teeth with my tongue. She took my hands away and said,
"No. There's nothing on your face or your teeth." She giggled. "You look beautiful y/n, why are you insecure?" I smiled shyly. Then I looked at her and said,
"Sure but next to you, I'm not pretty. You're gorgeous. But also, why were you laughing if there was nothing on my face nor my teeth."
"Aw y/n. Thank you for the compliment. Well I was laughing because this sofa is big, I know that but you don't have to sit far away from me." She said. I shook my head and said "stupid" under my breath which she heard. I stood up to sit next to her, a little closer than before.
"No you're not. What are you saying?" I was confused at first. Then, I remembered what I  just said.
"Oh you heard that huh? Sorry. It was embarrassing." I chuckled. At that time I was near enough to her so I sat.

She showed me the book. It was 'Jane Eyre' by Charlotte Brontë. I can see that she's very much into poetic and romantic kind of novel.
"You like this kind of novel huh?" I asked.
"What kind?" She wonders at my question.
"Well, you know.. the ones that have a romantic vibe in it." I explained. She laughed again. And said yes. She then asked me about the book,
"Have you read the book y/n? I mean, you should go and have a read."
"Uh no. I never read that book. I wanted to but never did. Plus I don't have a 'Jane Eyre' book with me." I told her. She looked at me with a shock face, her jaw almost dropped.
"You never read this book before? what do you do for fun then?" She questioned me.
"Well. I listened to my iPod. I enjoy music most the times. Never really had the time to read." She tilted her head with a disbelief look. "No I mean, of course I read books, just not always. I prefer music and dancing." I convinced her.
"So you like dancing? what kind of dancing do you do?" She asked me while shutting the book between her finger.
"Any dance. Except ballet, I never done that before although it's very beautiful to see people.. uh what do you call them? ballerinas? yeah that. When they dance ballet, it's majestic but when I do it, nope." I laughed at the last words. She giggled along. We were both smiling at each other but this time it feels like it was more than just a smile. I felt there was a spark growing between us.

We eventually spent our times sitting and chatting. Few minutes after that, Draco and Lucius walked in. I stood up and faces both of them. I asked Draco,
"Hey Draco, where's your aunt?" He whispered to me,
"She had to go someplace else. Why?"
"Do you think we can go ahead and talk anything that's related to her? She's cool. I kind of want to know about her." I told him. He is looking at me and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion, I guess no one has ever asked him about her.

*a/n: My apologies for the late update on the story, been busy with some stuffs. I hope you enjoy this one as much as I did writing it. You can leave a comment on my writing and such, then I'll try to fix it for yall. Anyways, I hope you all have a great day ahead!

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