Chapter 28 - The Dress and A Date

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With a week left until the day of the dance arrives, the girls are getting more anxious about their whole look. We got a chance to go out to Hogsmeade for a little sightseeing or as the other girls called it, 'shopping time.' I didn't buy any dress, but I did saw this beautiful silver hair clip with small stones around it – so I bought that. As for my dress for the dance, I searched through my closet. And the only dress that I could say fit with the vibe is probably the dress that I brought to the Malfoy Manor. I scanned thoroughly and was reminded that it was the dress that I had put on for my first kiss with Bella. The memories, both good and bad ones started flooding my head once again.

The next day, as we were gathered in the Great Hall, Professor McGonagall took the opportunity to address all the students about the upcoming dance, and the boys were all woo-ing, making noises. As for the girls, some were squealing in excitement. I could see that Hermione and Ginny were whispering with each other, they probably saw that I was looking at them, and they raised their hands – just slightly, so they could wave at me. I smiled at them and motioned towards Draco with my eyes, so they'd understand why I can't wave back at them. After Professor McGonagall has finished her speech, I turned to face the guys.

"So, Draco. Have you finally made up your mind about who you're going to take to the dance?" I asked him. He was looking a bit flustered and sort of checking out Pansy, he goes,

"Yeah, her." He pointed subtly at Pansy. Blaise once again chortled at the water that he was drinking.

"Ugh, disgusting. You need to stop choking on the water."

"Not my problem that he chose Pansy as his date. It's hilarious, I mean after what happened that day, remember?" Draco took the liberty to throw some of his food off the plate and towards Blaise and me.

"Of course, I remember. She practically made fun of me. Anyway, did you tell her already? Or you haven't?" I asked while wiping clear of the table.

"No. I'm going to tell her later. Maybe. I don't know, why?" he furrowed his eyebrows in curiosity.

"Nothing. Promise me, you'll tell her when we're around." As Blaise said, Draco's face is getting curious and more curious.

"Well, so y/n and I can enjoy some laughter just by looking at her reaction." He laughed raucously while Draco raised his hands to throw food again, but he stopped.

"It's not worth it dude. He's going to keep on making fun of you, and are you going to keep on throwing those at us?" I looked at him. Just as we were talking, Pansy walked right to us, joining in, she sat next to Draco.

"What are you three chatting about?" she asked while resting her chin on her right hand, with the puppy-eyed look again. We almost laughed looking at her, but she gave a cold look, which made us stop but not for long. Blaise was slapping my arm laughing.

"We were just talking about the date Draco's bringing. He made a decision already." I said to her, at the same time nudging Blaise to pay attention to her. Draco rolled his eyes, and all I reacted to that was saying, "what?" and raising my shoulders as I hold my laughter. She was still anticipating, waiting for his answer. Then when he finally told her that he had chosen her, she practically jumped on him to give him a tight hug. Blaise and I, on the other hand, were laughing at what happened.

"Oh, Thank you, Draco! Thank you," she repeatedly thanked him. Then she got up and walked over to her other friends.

"Geez, it's like watching someone winning a lottery. Ha!" Blaise laughed in between words. He then stood up to go to Eleanor. Draco was shaking his head while rolling his eyes.

"Has anyone asked you out for the dance yet?" I shook my head no, again he was comforting me, saying that I will get a date by the end of the day. Of course, it is very doubtful.

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