𝟎𝟑. 𝐄𝐮𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐜

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❝They were soulmates, not her and him, but her and pain❞

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❝They were soulmates, not her and him, but her and pain❞



His eyes were the first thing that hers spotted, such a deep, deep red color, they were absolutely astonishing, yet a sadness lingered behind them. Anna noticed immediately - how could she not? she had carried that same suffocating sadness and loneliness around for the past eighteen years.

When Caius saw her eyes asa she stepped onto the ground his whole being stopped working, he had no words no thoughts, nothing that could compete with the sheer dark hatred she so obviously held for him.

Their staring was intense, no one spoke a word, they didn't even draw as much as a false breath. Had it not been for vampire hearing the silence would have been complete.

And so there they stood for a couple of seconds, they were however, the longest few seconds Caius had ever had to endure. "Anna-" he finally breathed out, but he was interrupted by her tearing her gaze from his and requesting they get to the castle as quick as possible stating she could smell the grief on her clothes, and it was annoying. And so she went to the car and took up a place in the back seat, where she with an impeccable posture, and an expression as cold as ice waited for them to get going.

Caius was at a loss, he hadn't expected much, but. Soulmate or not. To see a girl who you could usually describe as having a heart with a capacity more infinite than the universe itself, seem so cool, and uncaring. It unsettled him, what now seemed like ages ago he had seen a part of his human self in the girl, that had now been replaced by the coldest of attitudes he had ever experienced. 

Still he got in the car, he elected to take the passenger seat not particularly fond of the feeling of hatred that she radiated towards him, he found it unsettling especially coming from her: a girl who had, in spite of all their quarrels, always held a care for him deep in her soul, and therefore her eyes. For the first time in over 3000 years he was scared. Scared that that care that had once been, would now be gone forever.


The one thing Anna noticed as she walked down the halls of the castle, surrounded by guards and last but not least; Caius. Was that they were wider than she recalled, perhaps it was because she had had such an intense feeling of almost being swallowed whole but the walls last time she was here, the thought made her scoff and mutter a small "pathetic" oh how she hated that weak little girl. the girl whose compassion she blamed for landing her here.

She looked back at Caius who was following her in complete silence, he seemed as apathetic as she was. Anna was perfectly oblivious to the war waging in his head, the blame he felt. The despair, and he wouldn't for the life of him share it with her, because he knew that she wouldn't care, and that was probably the worst part of being him in those moments as they walked down the halls.

They made it to the throne room in record time. Aro sat on his throne waiting for them when they entered. Caius sent Anna one last look before retreating to his own throne. "Welcome, my dear Anna" Aro exclaimed "immortality becomes you" 

"thank you master" Anna replied in a voice so cold it made even Jane cast down her head in obedience of the newborn. "I heard you created quite the spectacle back in Forks" Aro then said in a slightly amused voice - oh how he loved vampirism and what Anna had done was a perfect example of vampirism at its finest.

Anna raised a brow and smirked menacingly "And you care because? I covered my tracks didn't I?" she spoke bravely, it made the guards in the rooms eyes go wide - no one spoke to Aro like that - not even Caius himself. Aro let out a giggle "I like you" he then stated "you'll fit in just fine here with us" "Aro" Marcus then said - as if to remind the vampire king of something, but Aro simply lifted his hand and nodded at him, "Everything will be just fine - won't it Caius?" he said turning to his other brother, whom gave a nod of his head as if to confirm.


Heartbeats. so many. It made Anna wanna jump out of her skin and pounce, but she kept her expression impartial. She stood waiting for the humans to enter behind Caius' throne, he seemed nearly as impatient as herself, and she liked that about him, it was kind of a turn on for her to see that he was, like herself, a monster that lusted for blood, pain and death.

The tourists entered the room, and Aro did his dramatic speech, before all the vampires pounced, and right there in the middle of the room stood a girl, who didn't scream, didn't try to run. Just stared, and Anna knew then that she wanted this - she wanted death. And Anna would grant it to her.

She tore the young girls neck open with her teeth and let the blood run down her throat, it was euphoric, the taste, the relief, almost as euphoric as the painful feeling of Annas own neck tearing open and blood oozing out of it. She loved the pain, she relished in its feeling, it made her wanna torture and kill again and again, not for the blood but for the pain she herself felt. 

Even in death pain and Anna went hand in hand - she needed it, she searched for it just as it searched for her. They were soulmates, she knew. Not her and Caius but her and pain, and so she could only hope that which ever plan they had to turn her emotions back on wouldn't work, because she wanted this physical pain, she longed for it, more than she had ever longed for anything - and should she get back her humanity, she would have to part from it, and drown herself in guilt. So she knew - she wouldn't let them break her.

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