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A/N : i know i said that they've been gone for 4 years but that seems like too long and like u know the teas in the pudding SOO pretend i said they were only gone for a year
also sorry the start is a bit slow THIS IS GOING TO BE EXCITING I PROMISE JUST GIVE IT TIME

"YOU'RE DATING MY BROTHER???" I shout as i walk into Nessas room.

"You've been gone for a year Lyd, a lot has changed." She says as she shuts the door behind her.

"Ok but why BRYCE." I say as i look at her.

"He's actually really sweet, i mean sometimes." She says, "So...what do you need help with?"

"Someone's been following me and Jaden, they've tried to attack him multiple times and almost kidnapped me twice." I say.

Nessas eyes widen as i finish talking, "AND YOU CAME HERE???"

"NESS." I groan and she looks up, "Oh yeah sorry, do you have any idea of who could be doing this?"

"Well we've been trying to figure that out but it's just lead us to getting even closer to getting hurt." I sigh.

"Ok you definitely can't go back to whatever the fuck you were doing now, Bryce refused to let anyone touch your old room so it's still pretty much the same." She says.

"Thanks ness seriously." I say with a smile.

I look up as Jaden walks into the room with his clothes dripping wet, "What happened to you?" I laugh.

He sighs as he pulls his wet shoes off, "Bryce just threw me in the pool."

"Be right back." I say as i start to stand up, "Lyd." Jaden says as he stops me, "It's no use he's really pissed."

"I'm gonna go talk to him about this, he needs to understand what's been going on." I sigh as i start walking out of the room.

I walk downstairs and head towards Bryce's room, I push open the door and stop suddenly when i see Josh sitting on the bed.

He looks up and his eyes widen, "So he wasn't just hallucinating this time?? Holy shit you're actually here."

"What do you mean hallucinating?" I ask as i walk in the room.

"The past year he's been going into your room and saying that you're sleeping and that we should be quiet so you can get your rest." He sighs.

"Shit really?" I ask as i sit next to him on the bed.

"No yeah it's been really hard on him, he missed you a lot." He says as he looks at me.

"I just need to talk to him but he hates me." I sigh.

"He doesn't hate you Lydia, he hates Jaden, he has this idea in his mind that it's Jadens fault that you left." Josh says.

I sigh as i lay back on the bed, "So what's been happening in your life Joshypoo?"

"Well, i'm single and had a bit of a falling out with Bryce but we're chill now, uh i went to Hawaii." He sighs.

"So are Nessa and Bryce actually together?" I ask and he nods, "Yup."

"So how have things been with you and Jaden?" He asks.

"Relationship wise, really good, the rest isn't so great." I sigh.

"What do you mean?" He asks as he sits up.

"Well i've almost been kidnapped, shot at a bunch and Jadens been attacked multiple times." I say as i push my hair back behind my shoulders.

"What the fuck are you okay??" He asks as a concerned look crosses his face.

"Uh sorta, we're still trying to figure out who's doing this and why." I sigh as i cross my arms on my lap.

I look up as the door pushes open and Bryce walks in the room, "Josh, Kio wants you to-"

He stops when he sees me and clears his throat, "Um Kio wants you to go with him to his shoot."

Josh sighs as he stands up, "See you later kid." He says as he lightly punches my shoulder.

I look around the room as Bryce walks further in to it, "So is this Josh's room now?" I ask and he nods.

"Yeah i moved into nessas room." He says quietly.

"Lydia, do you know how fucking worried i was, i stayed up all night for the longest amount of time praying that you would come back safely." He says softly.

"I'm sorry Bryce i really am, i wish things could've been different, i just don't know what else i was supposed to do." I say.

"Tell Jaden that he's a dick and he can go fuck himself then find someone who actually deserves you." Bryce suggests.

I raise an eyebrow, "Bryce."

"Fine fine." He sighs, he turns towards me, "I know it doesn't seem like it but i'm so glad you're back."

I smile and wrap my arms around him, "I missed you so much."

He hugs me back and a few seconds later pulls back, "If you ever do that again i'm going to track you down and bring you back myself."

"Good to know." I laugh.

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