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Paris Francis

  Paris Francis

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Jaxon Knights

20 minutes later, Jaden and i finally make it to my dorm room, "This place is a fucking maze, i'm not gonna be able to get to any classes on time." I groan as i push open the door to my dorm.

The room was large with two full beds on different sides of the room, both beds had black bed covers with gray pillows.
My roommates side of the room was covered in string lights, her desk was piled with stacks of different drawings and paint supplies.

"Looks like your roommates a bit of a mess." Jaden says as he jumps onto my bed.

"Not as messy as me and you know it." I laugh as i set my bags down, "This looks like a bunch of goths decided to decorate a room together." I say as i look at the dark walls and black silky curtains.

"Am i actually going to school." I say as i pull my hair into a loose ponytail, "I mean i was never really psyched about the idea of going to college." I sigh.

"Hey, it's better than jail, and i'll come visit as often as i can." He says as he looks at me.

"How are you gonna visit, we're in a whole other country, flights are expensive and you're working on your music so you'll be at the studio-" I start going on but Jaden grabs onto my hand, "I'll find a way." He says with a small smile.


A few hours later, me and Jaden had finished setting up my side of the room, i'd decorated part of the wall with pictures of my friends, and  set up a vanity and mirror.

I had my head rested on Jadens chest, as we lay across the bed. We were listening to one of his unreleased tracks as he slowly stroked his fingers through my hair.

"This ones for me and coop?" I ask as tell me about to tomorrow comes to an end, he nods and i smile, "I love you." I whisper.

Suddenly the door bursts open and a girl with dark hair walks into the room, followed by the blonde boy who was in the office earlier.

The girl looks up when she sees me and Jaden, "Oh shit, hey you're Lydia right?" She asks as she looks at me.

I sit up as i look at her, "Yeah." I say with a small smile.

"Oh my god." The girl squeals as she hurries over to me, She practically shoves Jaden off the bed as she sits down next to me, Jaden gives me a shrug before starting a conversation with the blonde boy.

"I'm so fucking glad that i got a new roommate, my last one was a total self observed bitch, i don't even know what she did to get into this school, probably just annoyed the fuck out of her family so they sent her away." She shrugs, "I'm Paris by the way."

"How did you end up here?" I ask and she sighs, "Got kicked out of 3 schools before this because apparently it's an issue to take your teachers cars for a joyride." She scoffs, "What about you?"

Deciding not to tell a complete stranger about murdering a few people i just give her a smile, "Uh, just illegal drug smuggling, nothing special." I shrug.

"You probably have way better shit at home, but i have some weed if you want any." Paris says, "Aren't drugs not allowed here? Or are the thousands of no drugs signs just a suggestion?" I ask with a laugh.

"Jax was being a dumbass and met with his dealer on campus and got his ass hauled to the headmasters office, but he still stashed some." She says as she motions towards the blonde boy who was now involved in a somewhat serious looking conversation.

I look back at them and turn my head towards Paris, "Are you and-" I start to say, "Jaxon." She finishes.

"Yeah, are you and him a thing?" I ask and she laughs, "Fuck no, i love him and all but we'd end up killing each other if we dated."

"Not to mention, he's a raging alcoholic, he has mood changes that can be fucking scary sometimes." She says and i look back at Jaden, "Yeah i know what that's like."

"Lyd." Jadens voice says from behind me and i turn around, "Hey, what's up?" I ask as he softly kisses my cheek.

"I gotta get going back to the hotel, my flights tommorow." He says quietly and i frown, "No, stay here tonight."

"It's already past your curfew, i don't wanna get you in trouble, i'll stop by in the morning to say goodbye." He says, "Also, Jax promised me that he'll watch over you and make sure you don't do anything stupid." He says as he ruffles my hair.

"I don't need a babysitter." I huff and he raises an eyebrow, "I left you unattended for what, 30 minutes and someone ends up dead."

"Ok that was a one time thing." I point out, "And that other time i was gone for like a month and you robbed a bank." He says.

"Also a one time thing." I say, "And what about the time you almost got shot trying to-" He starts to say and i clear my throat, "Alright, fine maybe i do need someone to look out for me."

"Drugs huh?" Paris laughs as she looks at me and i shrug, "May have stretched the truth just a little bit."

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