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A/N : yalllll i kinda wanna like write mass murdering shit
like i love murder would u guys be down for that if Jaden was kinda just like slash slash pew pew rip rip on everyone's ass cause like I WANNA RIGHT STUFF IN DETAIL I LOVE MURDER

"He's dead Lydia." Jaden says and i slowly stand up after a few minutes of silence.

"Do you wanna go swimming?" I ask as i look at Jaden.

He looks at me cautiously, "If this is one of your-" He starts to say and i smile at him, "One of my what? I just wanna swim."


I watch as Lydia tosses off her shirt and pulls her pants down until she was just in her bra and underwear.

She giggles as she runs towards the pool and jumps in, i feel someone walk up next to me and barely turn my head as Cooper approaches me.

"What the fuck is she doing." He laughs as he watches Lydia splash around like a toddler.

"Denial." I sigh as i continue watching my delusional girlfriend.

"Don't people usually just cry and say that it can't be true." Cooper asks as he looks at me.

"I mean sometimes." I shrug, "Lyd just goes into this weird euphoric phase where she thinks everything's perfect, and that all the evil in the world is just magical sparkles."

"So she must've been in that phase when she decided to start dating you." Cooper laughs and i roll my eyes, "It should only last for a few hours, let her have her fun before we have to start planing her brothers funeral." I grumble as i walk over to one of the pool chairs and lay down as i watch Lydia climb out of the pool and jump in over and over again.

I feel a smirk tug at the edges of my lips and Coopers turns towards me, "What?" He asks.

"She's so fucking adorable." I say with a smile and Cooper gags, "Ugh Love."

Deciding it wasn't the time to mention that he used to have a girlfriend i keep quiet and turn my head back towards Lydia.

"It's been two fucking days and she hasn't even killed a fly." Cooper grumbles, "Why isn't she normal again, make her normal again." Cooper says as he frantically shakes my shoulders.

I look up from my phone at Lydia who was softly humming as she strums on a guitar.

"It's never gone on this long." I say quietly as i look at her.

"Lyd." I whisper as i walk up to her, "Hi." She says with a smile as she looks up at me.

"We gotta talk about Bryce." I say softly and she gives me a confused look, "What about him?" She asks.

"About the fact that he's dead." I say as i kneel down beside her, She spits out a laugh as she looks at me, "Jay i know you hate him but you can't just go around saying he's dead." She sighs.

"Lydia he's-" I start to say but she shakes her head, "Plus i just saw him last night, he said he was sorry for everything." She says as she runs a hand through my hair.

"I'm going to the store, do you need anything?" She asks with a smile wavering on her face.

I look at her, "I'll just come with you." I say and she shakes her head, "No it's ok, i'll be back soon." She says as she kisses me on the cheek then walks out of the house.

"Is she ok?" Charli asks as i walk into the kitchen and i sigh, "No."

"You shouldn't let her leave alone, what if she does something stupid that she can't take back." She says as she follows me into the kitchen.

"She's gotta take time for herself to cool down." I mutter not bothering to look at Charli.

"What if she does something though?" She asks persistently.

Every time she spoke i felt like smashing my head into a brick wall.
"Then i'll help her out of it." I mumble.

"You can't take the fall for everything she does, one day she's gonna get you into a jail cell." Charli sighs.

"Have you ever truly loved someone?" I ask as i look at her and she nods, "But i wouldn't go to jail for them."

"That's the difference between you and me. I would." I grumble as i stand up and start walking out of the kitchen.

"Jaden!" Charli calls out as she follows me out of the kitchen.

"When someone is walking away it usually means they don't want to talk to you." I groan.

"I'm just worried that-" She starts to say and i turn around and look at her, "Why the fuck are you so worried, you didn't seem too concerned when people were accusing lydia of assaulting someone." I sneer.

"I'm not worried about Lydia, i'm worried about you." She says and i scoff, "I can take care of myself thanks."

"Everyones so caught up on you being a bad influence on Lydia but i think it's the other way around." She says.

I look at her with a raised brow, "Will you stop trying to get in my pants and leave my girlfriend the fuck alone."

"I-i'm not trying to get with you." She says quietly and i scoff, "Sure."

"I'm just trying to make sure you're safe, you don't have a good criminal record one more screw up and you won't just be in there for a few months." She sighs.

"Do i look like someone who needs your help?" I ask and she looks at me, "Based on the fact that you causing your own hand to bleed right now i'm thinking that's a yes."

I look down at my hand and see that my nails had been scraping away at my skin, "I know that Lydias starting to trust you again but i sure as hell don't, leave me and my girlfriend alone or i swear to god i'll bury you." I sneer as i push past Charli.

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