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I was being carried down the stairs when Vinnie walks out of the kitchen.

He looks at me and i notice the two men tense up beside me.

"I can take it from here." Vinnie says calmly.

"Are you sure sir?" The guy asks which causes me to raise an eyebrow.

"I didn't study psychology for nothing." Vinnie shrugs.

"You didn't even graduate highschool." I point out as the two guys slowly let me go.

Vinnie replaces their grasp with his and leans in, "Just walk." He whispers.

Vinnie leads me up to my bedroom where Bryce was sitting in the ground fiddling with his fingers, he looks up as he walks in.

"Just needed a word with Lydia." He says reassuringly.

Bryce nods and slowly stands up then walks out of the room.

Vinnie shuts the door once Bryce leaves, He walks over to the windows and shuts the curtains.

I look over at him, "You wouldn't want anyone to see you with your abuser now with you." I say coldly.

"We're gonna go on a little trip." He says ignoring my remark.

"If it's a trip out the window then by all means, go ahead." I shrug.

"I said we." He frowns, "It'll just be for the weekend."

"No thanks." I say calmly.

"And since when did you think this was an option?" He asks as he leans down in front of me.

"I'd rather slam my head into a wall of nails." I groan.

"I can have that arranged if you disobey me." He says as he stands up and walks towards my closet.

He comes out with a duffel bag and turns towards me, "What do you need like 5 shirts?" He asks.

"Aren't we just going for the weekend?" I ask as i Peer up at him.

"Well, yeah." He shrugs, "Then why the hell would i need 5 shirts??" I ask.

"Girls are fucking complicated how the hell am i supposed to know." He says angrily as he walks back into the closet and starts shoving shirts into the bag.

"Yeah go ahead and wrinkle them." I complain as he tosses more clothes into the bag, He looks up, grabs a handful of shirts and rolls them into a ball before tossing them back into the bag, "Shut the fuck up." He snarls.

I sigh as i lean back onto my bed and watch as he continues carelessly shoving clothes into the bag.

He walks over to me and tosses the duffel bag towards me, "I gotta take care of a few things before we go, Don't do anything stupid."

I hold up my cuffed hands as a reminder, "Yeah i really cant do much."

Vinnie rolls his eyes as i watch him walk out of the room.

Sighing i roll over onto my bed and stare at the ceiling aimlessly.

"Get up." A voice sighs as few hours later, i groan as i turn over and look at Vinnie who was standing over my bed, once i realize it's him i turn back over.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and i'm forced to turn back over.

"I'm getting up." I sigh as i stand up and push past him as i walk towards my bedroom door.

I turn around, "Would you mind?" I ask as i raise up my cuffed wrists.

"Can't, Bryce only agreed to letting you come with me if you were detained." He shrugs.

"How would anyone think it's a good idea to go anywhere alone with their so called sex offender." I sigh.

"The psychologists told him that the best way for you to get better was to experience time in a different atmosphere while hearing your victims said of the story." He says.

"There's no way that's a real thing." I say as i raise an eyebrow.

"It's not, i just payed them to tell Bryce it was a real thing." He shrugs.

"Hurry the fuck up we should be there before dark." He sighs as he grabs my bag and starts walking downstairs.

I sigh as climb off my bed as i follow after Vinnie.

let's get high (the sequel) Where stories live. Discover now