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I feel a layer of cloth being placed over my eyes, i'm pulled out of my bed and hear multiple sets of feet walking around my room.

I let out a scream before a firm hand is placed back over my mouth, I slowly lift up my leg and kick whoever had their hand over my mouth on their chest.

"Fuck we got a kicker." A voice groans.

"Just hold her down."

I feel another set of hands grab onto me and i frantically trash out of them and start swinging my arms around not really caring what they ended up hitting.

"She's tiny and you guys can't even hold her down?? fucking pathetic." A voice says.

I'm suddenly tossed onto the ground and i hear a door slam behind me.

I pull the blindfold off my face and realize that i'm in my closet.

I jiggle the door handle and groan when i realize it's locked.

I start banging on the door and shouting as i continue to shake the door handle.

I stop suddenly when i realize the rooms gone quiet, "hello?" I call out.

I hear footsteps and then the door handle starts to move, i slowly step back as the door starts to open.

"Lydia?" I let out a sigh of relief when i see Vinnie standing in the doorway.

"What the fuck was that??" He asks as he walks towards me.

"I DONT FUCKING KNOW." I shout as i push past him and walk out of the closet.

"Do you think those are the guys who were after you in Greece?" Vinnie asks and i turn my head back to him, "How did you know about that?"

"Bryce told me." He shrugs.

"Alright well, where the fuck did they go??" I ask.

"I fought them off." He says and i raise an eyebrow, "You fought them off?"

He nods and i sit down as i place my head in my palms.

"Are you ok?" Vinnie asks as he kneels down beside me.

"No i'm not fucking ok." I say as i feel a tear sneak down my cheek, "I don't know who the fuck these people are or what the fuck they want. Jadens so fucking vulnerable right now, i'm worried about what will happen if those guys go after him."

Vinnie looks down at me, "He'll be ok, mental hospitals are protected, you cant get in without the staff knowing."

"We have security here too, even if they somehow managed to get past the front gates they couldn't have gotten in the house without breaking something-" I start to say.

I stand up and start to walk out of my room, "Where are you going?" Vinnie asks as he follows after me.

I run down the stairs and look around, "Nothings broken." I say as i turn back towards Vinnie.

"So...How did they get in?" He asks.

"They couldn't have gotten in without help from someone who knows the house." I say quietly.

"Maybe they're just really smart." He shrugs.

I slowly sit down on the couch, "I'm so fucking scared." I say quietly.

Vinnie sits down next to me, "You sure don't show it."

"I always put on a brave face because whenever i show any sign of weakness i'm immediately a target for thousands of people, i try really hard to act all tough because then people never try to hurt me cause they think i'm un breakable." I sigh.

"But i'm really not ok...I just don't know how much longer i can do this."

"Lydia, you are strong, I see all this shit you go through and it's hella impressive that you keep a brave face on during all of it." He says.

I look at him with a small smile, "You're actually not so bad."

"Not sure if that's a compliment but i'll take it." He chuckles.

"Thank you again for helping me." I say as i look at him, "It's fine really." He says.

"No seriously, thank you." I smile.

"So...about that lunch." He says as he looks at me.


snapchat - lydiahall added to their story

 snapchat -  lydiahall added to their story

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