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Bryce's body plummets down from the light house onto the rocks below it, i hear a loud crack and run towards the railing not caring about the pain, i look down and scream as i see his head impaled with rock.

"Lydia." Jaden says as he grabs onto me and pulls me back from the railing, "We need to get you help cmon." He says as he looks down at my injuries.

"No no we gotta go get Bryce." I whimper as Jaden picks me up.

"Lydia, you've lost a lot of blood i need you to just focus on breathing." Jaden says as he carry's me down the stairs.

"No Jaden we gotta get Bryce he has to see that you're a good guy." I say quietly as i see my vision spotting with black stars.

I look back at Jaden and smile, "Your eyes look nice." I giggle after i groan from a sharp pain in my head.

Once we get out of the light house Jaden starts walking towards the woods again and i feel myself slipping in and out of consciousness.

"Lydia stay with me." Jaden whispers as he starts walking faster through the woods.

"Stop shouting." I groan as i grab onto my head.

"Lydia you're ok, you're ok." Jaden whispers and suddenly everything goes black.

"Nessa i don't give a shit if you cant stand blood just hold onto her leg, we need to stop the bleeding." A voice echos.

"When are the ambulances gonna get here?"

"Five minutes we just gotta keep her stable for five minutes."

The voices sounded like they were miles away yet they were pounding in my ears.

My eyes flutter open and i look around to see that i was in an unfamiliar white room.

I look to my left and see Jaden fast asleep on a chair next to the bed i was in.

"Jaden." I whisper and his eyes suddenly shoot open, "Thank fucking god." He gasps as he grabs onto my hand.

"What happened?" I ask as i look down at my stomach which was bandaged up.

"A lot." He sighs.

"You only have to be in here for the night, the injuries were minor so they just had to keep your vitals up until your heart steadies and then you're good to go." He says as he looks at me.

"Yeah i have no clue what any of that means." I sigh, "Wheres Bryce i wanna tell him that Vinnies dead."

"Lydia Bryce is-" He starts to say but a doctor walks into the room, "Glad to see you're awake." She says with a smile, "Tomorrow morning the police will take you down to the station to ask you a few questions."

I sit up and look from Jaden to the doctor, "Why?" I ask with a confused expression.

"It's just a few follow up questions, you don't need to worry." She smiles as she injects a needle into my leg.

"Jesus christ, don't they usually prep you with an alcohol wipe and a warning." I groan as she pulls the needle out.

"Last time we gave you a warning you knocked out one our student interns." She sighs and i raise an eyebrow, "I don't remember any of that so technically it never happened."

"Try to get some rest." She says as she walks out of the room.

"Don't worry about the cops Lyd." Jaden says as he rests his hand on mine.

"Vinnies dead Jaden how are we supposed to cover that especially since Bryce knows." I say as i grip onto his hand.

Jaden looks up at me, "Lydia Bryce is-" He starts to say when the door pushes open and Nessa rushes in, "Holy shit." She laughs as she wraps her arms around me.

"If you ever scare me like that again i'll kill you myself." She sneers and then hugs me again.

"I honestly can't tell if your mad or happy to see me... should i be concerned?" I ask with a laugh.

"Yes you should be very concerned." She says as she sits down in the chair next to Jadens.

"I threw up half my body weight cause i had to touch your bloody stomach." She groans.

I laugh, "Since when are you afraid of blood?"

"Since i started watching this true crime show." She shrugs.

The next morning i'm taken down to the police station and brought to a dark gray room with a table placed in the middle of the room.

I sit down and look around when a tall man walks into the room with a handful of papers.

"Alright, Lydia Hall." He says as he sits down looking at one of his files.

"How did you end up with that stake in your leg?" He asks as he leans forward.

I take a deep breath and look at him, "Me and my friends were just trying to play a harmless game of manhunt and i ran up to an abandoned ski lift that i thought would be a good place to hide and i mean i guess it was shut down for a reason, there was sharp shit literally everywhere." I shrug as i look at him.

The man writes a few things down then looks at me, "And how did you get back to the cabin?" He asks.

"My boyfriend found me and brought me back." I say as i look at him.

"Alright, we're gonna go inspect the area but you're all set for now." He says with a smile as he walks out of the room.

"An abandoned ski lift??" Jaden asks as he helps me to the car, i had a brace on my left leg and could walk better then i could last night.

"I saw one when i was trying to get away from Vinnie." I whisper, "How are you gonna explain the fact that there's no blood there at all?" Jaden pulls open the door and helps me inside.

"We'll just have to get some blood there before they have a chance to get there." I say.

let's get high (the sequel) Where stories live. Discover now