PART 29 / 30

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I toss a grape into my mouth as Charli and i continue chatting.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" A voice shouts and i turn my head to see Bryce followed by Avani walking into the room.

"I forgot you lived here." I groan as i get up and try to walk out of the kitchen.

Bryce stops me and i raise an eyebrow, "Do you need something?"

"You were the reason Avani left? Really? You cant fucking threaten people to get shit that you want." Bryce shouts.

"I didn't threaten anyone." I spit out.

"You're really unbelievable you know that right? I don't even recognize my little sister anymore cause you've turned into such a shitty person." He says.

"Fuck you Bryce, you act like you're so much better then me when you're actually even worse, you just cheated on your girlfriend and you're acting all high and mighty so stop bitching about me being different and take a second to look at yourself." I shout.

"At least i'm not a fucking psychopath." He spats and i shake my head, "I'm gonna go be with people who actually love me and believe me."

I turn and storm out of the kitchen and run up the stairs, i was walking down the hall towards my door when another bedroom door swings open in my face causing me to fall onto the ground.

"Someone should really put a sign up for swinging doors." I groan as i look up at Cooper.

"Yeah you gotta stop running down the halls like a hungry banji." Cooper says.

"What the fuck is a banji?" I ask.

"I don't know like a kangaroo?" He shrugs, he looks at me, "Everything ok?" He asks.

"Nothings ever ok." I groan.

"What's wrong?" He sighs as he helps me up, i grab onto his hand and get up, "Something happened with Jaden and Avani and Bryce is blaming me for it and won't listen when i say i had nothing to do with it." I sigh.

"Well let's just get Jaden to tell them you didn't have anything to do with it." He shrugs.

I raise an eyebrow as i look at him.

The sign of realization crosses his face, "Ohh well never mind then."

"I don't even care that Avanis accusing me, it's just the fact that Bryce doesn't believe me." I say quietly.

"Do you want me to talk to him?" Cooper asks as he walks into my room.

"Nah he doesn't give a fuck about me." I shrug as i follow him.

Cooper walks into my bathroom and i turn my head to see him sitting on toilet.

"You know there's a thing called a door??" I groan as i cover my eyes.

"I find them unnecessary." He shrugs.

I sigh as i turn around and start walking back towards my door when it swings open and Charli and Vinnie walk in the room.

"I swear to god all doors have a death wish for me." I groan and i walk back towards my bed.

"By the way don't look in that direction." I say as i nod my head towards the bathroom.

"Yeah too late." Charli sighs as she sits down next to me.

"Whatcha doing?" I ask as i look at her and Vinnie.

"Well, i came to check if you were ok and Vinnie tagged along." She says.

"I heard you fighting with Bryce and with everything that happened last night i'm guessing you're probably a bit shaky." Vinnie says.

"What happened last night?" Cooper asks as he walks out of the bathroom.

Vinnie looks at me, "You didn't tell them?"

"Tell us what...?" Charli asks as she raises an eyebrow.

"There was a break in last night, well not really a break in cause they didn't break anything or take anything, well except for my no peeing in the bed policy." I shrug.

"What the fuck are you ok?" Charli asks and i nod, "Yeah it's really not a big deal."

"Do you know what they wanted?" Cooper asks.

"They're the same creeps who have been following me and Jaden around the past year." I say.

"Do you want me to call my security team? We can have people set up around your house." Charli suggests.

"It's no use, those guys got in here without triggering any alarms or breaking shit, if they didn't come in my room i wouldn't even know they were here." I say.

"So how did they even get in?" She asks.

"Someone we know helped them." I sigh.

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