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⚠️ TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ : mention of sexual assault

I get back from Nessas 3 hours later, i sigh as i climb out of my car and walk towards the front door.

I pull open the door as i walk inside and immediately notice something was wrong as i see Vinnie, Bryce, Charli, Josh, Addison, and Blake all sitting together on the couch.

"Hey guys?" I say with a confused expression as i slowly shut the door behind me, "Char when'd you get here? And why'd you bring the tramp with you." I ask as i look at Addison.

"What the fuck is wrong with you??" Charli shouts as she looks at me.

"I know tramp is a rude word but we both know you've called Addison worse." I laugh as i look at her.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THAT SOMEONE?" She shouts as she starts to walk towards me but Vinnie puts his hand around her waist and pulls her back towards him, "It's ok Char." He whispers.

I turn to Bryce who was keeping his gaze glued on the ground, "Ok what the fuck is going on??" I shout.

"You know what you did." Bryce says coldly.

"Is this about Avanis stupid claims because i already told you that-" I start to say but i'm interrupted by Josh, "It's because you sexually assaulted Vinnie you sick freak." He snarls.

My mouth drops open as i turn to Josh,
"I what??" I ask shocked by what i'm hearing.

"Tell her what you told us." Josh says as he nods to Vinnie.

"Josh he doesn't have too." Bryce says quietly.

"No, she needs to hear it directly from his mouth to fully understand what she did." Josh sneers.

Vinnie sighs as he looks at me with a look that i couldn't quite place, It looked like fear and sadness but i swear i could see a glint of amusement behind his clouded eyes.

"She had just come back from doing who knows what with Cooper, i'm afraid she might've done the same thing to him...She asked me to come up to her room so i did, assuming she just wanted to hang out, she immediately started trying to kiss me and when i pushed her away and told her that i had started seeing Charli she became extremely angry, it was an anger i've never seen before it was like she was just completely taken over by this madness like she wanted to kill me.
She then forced herself onto me and said that she would send Jaden to kill me if i didn't give i to her, she's been planning on somehow sneaking Jaden out of the mental hospital tonight. She then took a knife from her drawer, which by the way is stalker with knives and a gun, and that's how i got this." He says as he holds up his arm which has a bloody L carved into it.

"How did you know about the arm-" I start to say to Vinnie but Josh stands up, "Do you have anything to say for yourself??"

"Yeah that this is fucking bull shit." I spit out as i look at them, "You don't seriously believe him do you??"

"It checks out." Bryce says, his eyes still focused on the ground. "You've been slowly acting like Jaden ever since you met him, I always knew that it would happen but i never thought you would give in so quickly."

"What's that supposed to mean??" I shout as i look at him.

"It means that Jadens a fucking psychopath and you're turning into him, you even copied his old arm trick." Bryce says as he finally stops looking at the floor and looks towards Vinnie.

"I don't know what you mean-" I start to say quietly and Josh stands up, "Show ur your arm." He says firmly.

"No i'm not showing you my fucking arm." I say as i step back from him.

"Show us your fucking arm." He shouts as he grabs for my arm and pulls up my sleeve roughly to reveal a faded scar of the letter J.

"So you really are copying your boyfriend in his weird kinky manor." Addison scoffs as she looks at me.

"I didnt fucking do this, Vinnie is the one who is trying to kill me and Jaden, he's trying to force me to do stuff in exchange for Jadens life!" I shout as i feel a tear slip down my cheek.

"I know you're not in the right mindset right now Lyd, i think it's best if we get you some help." Bryce says quietly.

"IM NOT FUCKING CRAZY! VINNIE IS THE ENEMY HERE!" I shout as i slowly step backwards.


I turn my head towards Bryce as more tears spill from my eyes, "Why the fuck would i ever do this someone, i was raped Bryce and you know it." I say.

"Lydia, it's Jadens influence." Bryce says quietly, "We've already alerted the hospital about your plans to get Jaden out so they're keeping close watch over him now."

"HES GOING TO DIE IF HE STAYS THERE." I shout completely breaking down now.
"VINNIES GOING TO FUCKING KILL HIM." I shout as i look over at Vinnie and see the same glint of amusement in his eyes.

"You little SHIT." I shout as i lunge towards him and wrap my hand around his neck, i squeeze tightly as i can before two sets of arms grab onto me and pull me off of him.

I scream and thrash my legs as Josh and Blake carry me towards the stair case, Bryce gets up and walks out of the room as i shout for him, the last thing i see before i'm dragged up the stairs is the sight of Charli sitting with her hand on Vinnies lap as he looks at me with a small smirk creeping onto his face.

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