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"Mom...Dad." I say as i look back towards the bed and see that Jaden had fallen back asleep.

"Why are you in my room." I say as i walk past them.

"Lydia, you're taking drugs again??" My mother asks and i cross my arms, "You know i could tell you the truth but you never believe me anyways." I shrug.

"We believe you when you're believable stories." My dad says firmly.

"You didn't believe me when i was raped, you should get an award for being the best parents in the world." I rasp as i flop down on the bed.

Jaden mumbles as he flips over, "Pass me a condom." He whines and i clear my throat as i tap on his shoulder.

"I mean if you'd prefer to do it raw, not really in the mood to have a kid." He says and i whack him over the head.

"Jesus fuck." He groans as he opens his eyes, "Oh." He deadpans when he sees my parents.

"Are you smuggling drugs??" My dad asks, referring to what i said earlier, i raise an eyebrow, "You don't really have to smuggle them it's not like i'm leaving the country."

"Actually you are." My mother says, "The hell she is." Jaden says as she sits up.

"Lydia. You're out of control, first of all your underage and we see videos of you drinking online everywhere." My mother says and i shrug, "You said it's fine if i drink at home." I mutter.

"Drink as in, a sip of wine, and that was when you were living at home under supervision." My dad points out.

"I have plenty of supervision." I say as i motion to Jaden.

"He was in a psych ward Lydia." She says and i shrug, "And now he's out."

"This place reeks of alcohol, your brother was murdered here, and your so called boyfriend has been arrested twice." My dad says as he looks at Jaden.

"I'm perfectly fine here, i'm happy and i love the people that i live with, they all care about me more then either of you ever have." I sneer as i look at them.

"We're sending you to school." My dad says and i raise an eyebrow, "I do school online, we had a deal that if i passed all my classes i could stay in LA."

"That was when Bryce was alive and taking care of you." My mom says and i look at her, "Well i have Kio, he's 20 so technically an adult."

"That same adult who's been giving you those drugs?" My dad asks and i sigh, "I'm already in school, next years my last year and then i'll be 18 and you won't have a say in my life."

"Would you prefer to go to jail for underage drinking and possession of legal drugs, and what about Jaden over here, We both know he wasn't released from the ward, we can send him right back there."

"You are an absolute piece of shit." I snarl and Jaden looks at my parents, "What does she have to do."

"Boarding school." My mom says.

let's get high (the sequel) Where stories live. Discover now