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A/N : btwwww stream TMAT RN

I pull open the door of the sway house and walk inside, I walk towards Anthony's room and push the door open, revealing Avani sitting on his bed.

She looks up as i walk in and gives me a small smile, "Hey." She says quietly.

"I know we haven't always gotten along-" I start to say and she scoffs, "That's an understatement."

Deciding to ignore her comment i give her another fake smile, "I was hoping we could become better friends, do you wanna go grab something to eat?"

"Anthony's gonna be pack soon we already made plans." She says as she looks back down at her phone.

"Then we'll go to the starbucks down the street." I sigh and she looks up, "Alright." She shrugs.

I start to turn around but she grabs onto my arm, "Tell your boyfriend that i know he's out of the loony bin."

I yank my arm away from hers and turn back around, "Just get off your ass and let's go." I sigh.

"Bryce kept saying that you were a lot like Jaden, kinda a shame that you didn't decide to listen to him when he told you to stay away from him, i guess you get your stupidity from him though i mea-" She starts to say and i scream as i turn back around and grab her by the back of her hair.

"DONT YOU FUCKING TALK ABOUT EITHER ONE OF THEM YOU SICK FREAK." I shout as i swing my fist towards her face.

I let out a deep breath as her body falls to the ground and i sigh as i look down at her and grab onto her limp arm and start walking out of the room, Avani dragging behind me.

"Lydia." Jaden sighs when he sees me coming out the back door.

"You know what bring her out alive means right??" He asks as he looks down at Avani.

"Relax she's not dead." I scoff, "Just a bit unconscious." I shrug.

"Alright get her in the car." He says as he walks towards the car.

"Where'd you even get this car?" I ask as i open the backseat and i toss Avani in.

"I know a guy." He shrugs as i climb into the car next to him.

We pull out of the sway house driveway and turn onto the highway, "I just wanna be able to relax for once." I groan.

Jaden rests his hand on my thigh and smiles at me, "After this you'll be able too."

I hear Avani starting to wake up and look back at her, "Morning sunshine." I say with a smile.

"What the fuck is going on??" She asks and i sigh, "Well i wanted coffee but Jadens to impatient to sit in line at the drive thru, and we can't be seen going into a store cause then we'd be suspects for murder and that would be an issue."

Avanis eyes suddenly widen as she looks at me, "You're killing me??" She asks frantically.

Jaden sighs as he looks in the mirror, "Of course not, we're just framing you for murder."

let's get high (the sequel) Where stories live. Discover now