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Nessa walks me towards the door and i reach out to open it, i pull it towards me and in the process somehow end up walking myself in the face.

"Lyd...You know your not supposed to stand directly in front of the door right?" Nessa asks.

"Well." I sigh as i walk into the house.

Jaden was sitting on the couch as we walked in and he immediately stood up, "Are you alright?" He asks.

I shrug as i look at him, "Yeah why?"

"We saw your episode on tiktokroom." Kio says as he walks into the room.

"I wasn't having an episode alright." I sigh.

Jaden walks towards me and wraps his arm around me and i give him a small smile as i rest my head on his shoulder.

"There's something else..." Cooper sighs and i look up, "What?"

"Have you checked your phone?" He asks and i shake my head slowly, "No..Why?"

"It's your parents." Jaden sighs and i look up at him, "Did they finally die?" I ask.

"Um no, they tried to call you and when they couldn't reach you they decided to call the one person they knew you were always with." Cooper says.

"They hate Jaden, why would they call him?" I ask and Jaden shrugs, "They're gonna be here tomorrow, they need to talk to you about something i guess."

I groan as i start walking towards the front door, "Where are you going?" Nessa asks and i turn my head, "To go pitch myself off the nearest cliff."

"Jaden, go with her, last time she opened a door she ended up hitting herself in the face." Nessa sighs.

Jaden walks towards me and pulls open the door before i head outside.

I sigh as i sit down on the grass and shut my eyes, feeling the cold breeze on my face.

"Why are they coming here." I ask quietly as i hear Jaden sit down next to me.

"Probably cause their son just died and they wanna make sure their daughter isn't next." He shrugs and i open my eyes and look at him.

"They don't give a shit about me, probably just came to collect whatever's left of Bryce's money." I scoff.

"I'll be by your side the whole time, it's probably just going to be a quick visit and then they'll be on their way." He says as he wraps his arm around me.

I wish that was true.


The next morning, i wake up with my head resting on Jadens chest, i slowly sit up and swing my legs over the side of the bed, standing up, i walk towards to the bathroom and suddenly hear a loud whiny noise.

"Lydiaaaaaaaa." Jaden whines, I turn my head and see he had woken up and that his arm was reaching out towards me.

"Lydiaaaaaaaa." He groans and i sigh, "What."

"Come back." He frowns and i smile, "I'm just going to the bathroom."

"Nooo." He groans and i look at him, "Would you prefer that i go pee in the bed?"

He sits up and looks at me, "Proceed."

I smile before turning back around and walking into the bathroom.
I pull off my large shirt and hum to myself as i grab my stick of deodorant and apply it.

I hear a knock on the door and sigh, "Jaden i told you i'll be out in a minute! Go do acid or some shit, it usually keeps you occupied!" I call out as i run my brush through my hair.

There was another knock and i put my brush down and groan as i walk towards the door, "Did you forget where the tabs were cause Kio bought some more and i put them in my shoebox-" I start to say as i pull open the bedroom door.

I nearly shit myself when i see my parents standing in the door way.

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