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"Oh so she is alive." I sigh and Sab sits up quickly and cringes, "Why the fuck does my stomach hurt so much." She groans as she grabs onto it.

"Cause theres a bullet lodged in it." Jaden shrugs.

"Can we hurry this up i'm tired." I sigh.

Cooper looks up, "Ok now we can go back." He says and i shake my head, "No we're still gonna finish her."

Sabs eyes widen and she quickly gets up and try's to start running towards the car.
"Jaden." I sigh as i nod my head towards her.

He stands up and starts walking after her, "You know, the harder you try to run away from me the more entertaining it is." He chuckles.

"Lydia, you have to help her, there's no way Jadens going to let her go." Cooper pleads.

"Coop i'm sorry, i'm not spending the rest of my life in jail because of this bitch." I sigh.

"Plus she's not moving very fast and Jaden really likes hunting people down so it'll be over quickly don't worry." I smile as i pat him on the head.

I look up as Sab falls onto the car as she try's to pull the door open, Jaden walks up to her and lifts her up and carries her fireman style back over to us.

"Throw her in the hole, then we'll cover her." Nessa says as she picks up a shovel.

Sab starts screaming as she kicks and pounds her arms on Jadens back.

He tosses her into the hole we dug and i look down at her as she tries to climb out.

"Can you make her shut up, the whining is really ruining the moment." Jaden complains.

I shrug as i pick a shovel and raise it above my head, i smash it down on Sabs face and listen to her scream in agony as i bring it down on her once again, I hear Jaden chuckle from beside me and smirk as i smash it down again and again until you cant even recognize that it was her.

"Fuck." Jaden groans as he looks down at her.

I turn to see Cooper standing next to me, "You ok? You look pale as fuck."

He gulps and slowly turns away from us as he walks back towards my car.

"What's his problem?" Jaden asks and i shrug, "No clue."

"You know...this may came off as a surprise but most people aren't really used to seeing someone's face bashed in by a shovel." Nessa clears her throat.

"Pussy." Jaden groans as he picks up a shovel and starts filling in the hole.

10 minutes later we had finished filling the hole and we head back to the car, i pull open the door to the drivers seat and climb in.
"You ok Coop?" I ask.

"Yeah." He says quietly as he looks out the window.

I turn the car on and start pulling out of the landfill.

When we get back to the house Cooper quickly gets out of the car and walks over to his car.

I open the door and get out of my car as i watch him climb into his car.

"Shit, that must've been hard on him." I sigh as i shut the door.

"You think?" Nessa raises an eyebrow as she climbs out of the car.

"He'll be fine." Jaden shrugs as he walks into the house.

Nessa looks over at me, "Look, i know you've been gone for a while and you've been doing who knows what but Cooper isn't used to any of this, i mean barely anyone is, it's hard on him and he shouldve have to have been brought into this." She sighs.

"Huh i never thought of it that way." I say and she smiles, "Lyd i know you're a good person, well sometimes but, my point is Jadens kinda a bit crazy when it comes in this shit and doesn't really take others feelings into accountability."

"I mean he literally gets pleasure when someone else dies, i swear his dick grew like 3 inches when you were smashing Sabs face in with that shovel." She laughs and i spit out a laugh, "NO SHIT."

"Just try to keep him under control, i don't want him going down the wrong path again." She says.

"I'll keep him in line don't worry." I say with a smile.

"I'm gonna go check on him." She says as she walks over to Coopers car.

let's get high (the sequel) Where stories live. Discover now