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"Looks fancy," I said looking at the place, we were parked in front of the hotel or casino or both, I was scared to go in it seemed busy, to say the least and we were supposed to be incognito for a while

"I know right," Athena said from beside me "let's go" she opened the car door and walked out, I sighed and switched the keys taking them out, I walked out of the car slinging the keys around my finger, how the hell were we going to get a job in this fancy place when we are dressed like hobos

"We look homeless," I said behind her "we are" she laughed, I rolled my eyes, we didn't have to look like it tho

"Who do we need to find in this place to get a job?" She spoke looking around, I wrapped my arms across my body sighing, we were in the lobby, it was huge and a waste of Unneeded space

"How may I help you?" A woman at the front desk asked us

"Who do we talk to, to get jobs?" She asked the lady

"Oh yes the man himself just came back a while ago, I will call him to see if he can see you girls" the women picked up the phone and failed a number

"We have some girls who are looking to be hired" the women spoke into the phone, "yes they are" she looked us up and down, my god

"Yes—yes—um—is there anything special about you two," she asked, I and Athena looked at each other confused

"We're twins," Athena said, the women's eyes shot up, "they are twins," she said into the phone, "ok—ok—ok" she hung up and smiled

"Wait here he wants to come down and see you up to his office," she said sounding confused herself, we nodded our head and waited, people, walked into the hotel smiling and laughing they walked past us unbothered and went farther in and out of the lobby disappearing

After a couple of minutes the door opened behind us, I turn my head open seeing a familiar pair of eyes, wait

He was the man that was at the motel, why was he staying at a motel if he could have been here? "When I heard twins I suspected it was you two" he came and stood in front of us

"Do you own this place or something?" I asked him, he laughed shaking his head, he turned around heading back into the double doors, we followed after

"No my brother does, I usually do most of his work for him, sort of like a personal assistant but I'm his brother so he can't fire me" he laughed again

"Then why did you stay at that nasty hotel last night?" I asked no filter on my lips, Athena nudged me giving me a look to mind my own business, I didn't want to ruin this for her

"Because if my brother finds out that I slept with another one of his staff he'd murder me. He was out for a week on business so I thought I was ok but creep his camera out of every room to see which I went in, apparently, I broke too many hearts and they kept quitting" he said rolling his eyes

"Wow" is all I said to his ramble, "so why do you guys need a job?" He asked us

We walked past the casino, I looked around seeing multiple men sitting around the machines and gambling, women stood in front of the men shuffling cards, they wore revealing outfits and flaunted their bodies willingly

"We just need the money" Athena spoke, I looked at one of the women who leaned over the table her boobs practically spilling out of her buttoned shirt, purposely might I add, the men all looked at her chest practically drooling

"Are we going to do that?" I asked, he looked at me sighing, "let's go to my office" he nudged his head, fuck

We followed him throughout the hotel and into the elevator, "so any talents" he asked us while we stood in the quiet elevator

"Aesira can aim really well," Athena said, I took a deep breath, I didn't like telling people that weird talent, it wasn't anything that I'd brag about

"Really," he asked interested "just a side talent" I shrugged my shoulders "show me," he said

My eyes raised "what?"

"Show me" the elevator opened "cmon," he said, I looked around the floor, it was a penthouse, this is probably where the owner stays, we were on the top floor

As we walked around the huge place I didn't hear not one sound, until I heard a door close, I turn my head to the noise seeing a back of someone but then disappearing

We stopped at another door, he opened it revealing a huge room, he moved to the wall, "you have darts in your office?" Athena asked

"Yeah obviously," he said and walked over to me handing me the darts, I didn't want to do this, if it gives us more chance of a job then I mise well

I walked to the dartboard and took a few steps back, I brought the first one up and narrowed my eyes a bit, I shot it along with the other not hesitating

They all hit the red dot, I licked my lips and turned around, Athena remained calm, she was used to these types of things, something she could do that I barely could be a fight, she'd always win against me

The man's eyes were wide "Woah," he breathed out "you guys are hired" he laughed

"What," I said a laugh leaving my lips

"Not just that" he shrugged moving behind the desk, I walked to sit in front of it "you guys look like you need a job and a place to stay, the staff stay here one weekday so they don't have to come back here every single day they usually leave on the weekend to their families but it's their choice, plus you're twins people like to see that," he told me

"Can we share a place?" I asked, I didn't want to have my own by myself, he nodded his head writing done a few things, "this is so surreal" I breathed out

"Y'all made a good impression on me and luckily I get to pick who's hired" he smiled, "when can we start," Athena asked reading my mind

"Well you probably already have your bags so I'll have your place set up but you don't have to start until tomorrow," he said and then looked up at us "what are your names?"

"Athena and Aesira Frey" Athena said he nodded his head writing it down "I'm Carter," he told us, Carter Hmm

"I'll have your uniforms in your room before you get there, the eleventh floor is for the staff and the top floor as you can tell is the penthouse, I stay here with my brother and it's usually off-limits, you two are actually the first people to be up here that are..girls," he said

My eyes shot up, "lucky us" I said sarcastically

"You actually are lucky many of the girls would kill to be up here," he said, I rolled my eyes, of course, they would

"So what exactly will we be doing?" I asked

Athena shuffled in her seat, she should have just told me in the car "you don't know?" He said confused, I shook my head "well you remember those women you saw downstairs.." he drew it out. God no!

"Well um.." god no, god no, god no, I shook my head "yeah..." he scrunched his face


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