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I looked in the mirror wearing the huge uniform, my eyes narrowed at the outfit, it didn't show as much as the other one did which I was glad about, but I can't wear it and draw attention to myself

They'll think what's his face has a soft spot for me so I don't get to dress like a whore

I shook my head mumbling curses and stripped out of the outfit and back into the original one, I looked back into the mirror hating it but accepting the fact

I pulled all my hair up into a ponytail not wanting to style it in any way, I walked out of the room sighing, Athena looked at me and raised her brows "what about that new uniform?" She asked me

"What new uniform" I shrugged slipping on my flats, if I ignore it, it won't be real

"Aesira," she said warningly "if it was given to you, you should wear it!" She insisted, I shook my head already walking out of the door and ignoring her

I made my way down to the casino casually and coy, "hey Sira" April said smiling, I smiled back at her walking to my usual table

"Hey," I said, setting up "how was your night?" I asked her

"It was ok! And you?"

"Could be better" I said but rolling off my lips it sounded like a joke, men started sitting down in the stools fast and quickly, I bit the inside of my lip

"Hi gorgeous"
"Hey beautiful"

The men started calling me pet names and complimenting me, some were pretty vulgar but that's to be expected I guess...

"Y'all ready," I asked uninterested in their words and already started "hey baby don't gotta act so cold"

"Gorgeous?" They tried asking me questions over and over, I was gonna have to learn to deal with these men sooner or later if I'm gonna keep working here

"Do you need something" I raised a brow

"Just a conversation" they continued to play while talking, I rolled my eyes "no thanks just play" I gestured my head to the table

They continued to say words but I just ignored them occasionally telling them off, not that it did anything. Halfway through a man came and tapped me on the shoulder

"Do you need something?" I asked him confused

"I-uh follow me," he said nervously, I tilted my head, I wasn't going to follow a random person "no," I said shaking my head

He placed his hand to his ear as if he was listening to something, when he removed it I saw a little earpiece sticking out "the-the boss wants to speak with you" he said again

The boss...Damon

"Why," I asked

"Just follow me please" he turned around walking away, "April can you cover for me for a sec" I screamed, she nodded putting her drink down, I felt bad asking her to do it on her break

I followed the man to the elevator and walked inside beside him in quiet "why does he want me?" I asked confused, the man didn't answer, he placed his thumb on the button that was labelled P, he held it over as if it was scanning his fingerprint

"I thought all staff were prohibited to enter the penthouse," I asked him, he still didn't answer me, his head stayed forward calmly

"Hello?" I said more sternly "you just gonna ignore me" I shook my head the doors opening right after, he headed straight me not far behind, we walked along with the penthouse in quiet till we reached a plain black door

The man stopped taking a huge deep breath and knocked "enter" I heard his deep voice from inside already making me go crazy

He opened the door and revealed Damon in all his glory, his sleeves were rolled up showing off his tattoos, he was looking down at some papers his brows harshly furrowed with a pen in one hand "M-Miss Frey is here" he stuttered

Damon's eyes shoot up immediately hitting a mine and softening, "leave," he said looking at me still, I wasn't sure if he was talking to me but the man scurried off shutting the door behind him, "Aesira," he said acknowledging me, he stood up from his chair and walked around his desk and to me

I sucked in a breath "boss" I said back coming off a bit rude, his lips twitched he came close to me that I could practically feel his body heat radiating off of him, I bit my lip as he brought his face to mine, He turned his head slightly allowing his soft moist yet smooth lips touch my burning cheeks

I clenched my fists along with my core, his mouth on my cheek was enough for me to want to let out a moan, I closed my eyes his kiss still lingering

He pulled away slowly but I could still feel his hot breath on my face, I let out a shaking breath and slowly opened my eyes, his amused face was closer than I expected

It took Everything in me to take a step back from him, I immediately missed the warmth of his body but I knew better

As if realizing he turned his body back and walked to the front of his desk, he leaned back onto it his hands on each side of the desk "please-sit" he gestured his head to the singular couch type chair that was in front of him

I walked to the chair his eyes on me staring me down intensely the whole way, he looked me up and down clenching his jaw, I sat down in front of him so that I could visibly see his hands clenched on the edge of the desk his knuckles turning white

I looked back up at him to see him staring me down "why am I here boss?" I asked crossing one leg over the other, the small skirt rid up the smallest bit but by his reaction, I might as well have been fully nude

I crossed my arms over my body "Damon" he said randomly

"What," I asked obliviously

"Call me Damon," he said casually, I didn't say anything back still wanting him to answer my question, he must have noticed and continued "now to the reason you are here...why didn't you wear your uniform"  it all made sense now

"I am" I shrugged looking down at myself and back at him, he tilted his head to the side "You know what I mean," he said his voice lowering which made him sound a thousand times sexier

"I don't think I do boss" I shook my head, "blue," he said warningly, again with the blue...but at least I knew he was the one who texted me

"Blue?" I questioned

He took a step forwards to me and kneeled so he was in front of my body, I looked down at him my chest continuously going up and down from my fast breathing making my boobs pop out more, he didn't look though. He kept his gaze on mine

"Your eyes..." he didn't say anything more...I tilted my head to the side, he referred to my blue eyes, my cheeks heated up again, I didn't know what to think of 'blue' "now—answer my question" a hand laid on my exposed knee, I uncrossed my left from my right leg hopefully to shake off his hand but it stayed

"I didn't want to stand out," I said no emotion seeping through "why," he said quickly after "people will look at me differently," I said again

"Well I regret to inform you but you will not stand out," he said

"Was that supposed to make me feel better?" I scoffed, "you'll wear the uniform tomorrow" he ordered

"No" I denied

"You will wear. The uniform. Tomorrow" he paused between a few words, I narrowed my eyes at him "no I will not"

"Aesira" he drew out "Damon," I said his name back

"If you wear this again tomorrow I promise you I won't hesitate to rip it off your body," he said seriously, I couldn't tell if he was joking

"You wouldn't" I narrowed my eyes

"Oh but blue... I would" he leaned forward bringing his face closer to mine and his hand drawing along my leg

I bit my lip once again I was sure it would bleed, "fuck you" I whispered breathlessly

He pulled away so he could look me better in the eyes but still close his lips twitched up into a devilish smirk

"Not yet..."

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