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I opened the door quietly while looking around our room, it was quiet. I stepped into the room after looking back at Pablo who remained at the end of the hallway. I feel bad for him.

I closed the door softly trying not to make any noise and walked around the house, where's Athena? I heard a door creak open and I whipped my head in the direction of Athena's room.

Athena walked out putting her hair into a ponytail and caught my gaze, she gasped. "You fucking scared me" she placed a hand on her heart and walked towards me engulfing me into a hug, "so how was your night?" She smirked looking me up and down as she pulled away.

I looked at her confused but then looked at the man's clothing I was wearing...oh.

"Nothing happened I just... ran into our boss and he spilt a drink on me... so he offered to give me clothes" I shrugged my shoulders making a lie up on the spot.

"For a whole day" she lifted a brow, gosh. "Well it was late so I ended up falling asleep" I shrugged my shoulders walking away from her to avoid her taunting gaze.

"Really?" She said not believing me. I rolled my eyes and walked to grab a glass of water as my throat was dry and craving some sort of moisture. I turned my back to lean against the counter while I drunk as I watched her slip on her shoes.

"You going somewhere?" I asked her confused. She nodded her head, standing back up brushing down the pants she wore. "Yeah" she sighed out of breath.

I raised my brow indicating for her to go on. "I and April are gonna go get food, want to come?" She asked me. I shook my head denying her offer. I just wanna lay down.

"I'll bring you back something" she walked towards me giving me one last hug then paused. "What's that in your hair..?" She pulled away, her hand grabbing a strand of my hair and holding it up, I looked at the blonde hair that was covered in patches of red.

I knew there would be more splattered everywhere around my body, I had only changed—I didn't wash, I couldn't. How'd I even get changed—

"I told you, he in spilt a drink on me" I laughed moving away from more. She looked all over my face more clearly. "It's like everywhere, what the hell did he drink?" She furrowed her brows deeply lifting her hand to touch me again, I swatted her hand away "it's just a drink it washes off" I chuckled tucking the loose strands behind my ear.

She looked at my hand that had swatted her away and her eyes widened. "Aesira!" She gasped grabbing onto it. I looked down seeing the bruised flesh. Fuck! I can't keep making up excuses.

"It's nothing I promise it doesn't even hurt, I fell as he ran into me and landed on it" I laughed more dragging on the fact that it was ok. "You need to get that checked out" she insisted

"No! It's ok I swear it'll be gone in like two days" I felt like shit lying to her. She's the only person I would never lie to. She knows everything about me. She's my other half.

She looked at me sadly her eyes remaining on my wrist. I smiled at her showing I was fine. "Go you don't want to be late," I told her.

Athena squinted her eyes at me then slowly started walking away. As she opened the door and walked out to close it she paused looking down the hall.

"What?" I said going to stand beside her. She narrowed her eyes at Pablo who stood closer to our door than before, he was leaning against a wall his body pointed towards us. His shades over his eyes made it hard to figure out if he was staring at us or not.

"What a weirdo, who just stands there" Athena scrunched her face, I kept my mouth shut not knowing what to say.

"I'm sure he's just waiting for someone," I said suddenly, she raised her brows looking at me. "You think?" Her eyes remained on Pablo. Did he have to stand right outside the door?

"Yeah I'm positive, he'll be gone by the time you get back" I smiled and patted her shoulder. She nodded her head and started walking away. My hand laid on the doorknob as I watched her walking past Pablo slowly, he looked down his sunglasses sliding down his nose as he looked at her.

I hoped he could tell us apart. Athena smiled kindly and waved. She's always so kind. I saw the slight raise in Pablo's head as he nodded towards her and kept his head straight once again. Right. At. Our door. When she was behind him her smile disappeared and she looked rather annoyed.

She turned the corner leaving my eyesight and I took this as a chance to talk to the man. I sped walked towards Pablo and stopped in front of him. "You realize you don't have to stand right outside our room," I said to him. He looked down so he could see me through the glasses. Just take them off!

"Do you speak?" I asked him crossing my arms. He blinked multiple times before looking back up and straight over my head. I rolled my eyes. "If you don't move from your spot My sister will suspect something and unless you or —your boss wants me to tell her why you are here you're gonna have to figure something out," I said turning around and going back to my room.

I had no say in this at the end of the day...

I looked around the place wondering if they had put cameras around. They couldn't have, right? Athena was here so...but their criminals...they could do anything...I closed my eyes and dragged my feet to my room before plopping myself down on my bed.

"Fucking criminals" I flipped onto my back looking at the ceiling. "I'm working for criminals... I kissed a criminal" I kept talking to myself still in shock.

I closed my eyes and took multiple deep breathes trying to calm myself. I brought my hand up to my forehead rubbing it from the pain that was still throbbing. I winced as pain shot through my wrist.

Opening my eyes again I looked at the burst skin and pouted. What am I going to tell people about this? How would I cover it?

I'll just stick with the idea of it being all Damon's fault.

It is anyways...

𝐷𝑒𝑓𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें