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Pain. All I felt was pain. My head pounded so much that it became unbearable. I squeezed my eyes shut so tightly that it hurt. My body felt stuck in place and as I tried to move the pain in my head increased. "Ouch" I mumbled placing my heavy hand on my beating head.

"Aesira?!" I heard a yell which effected my whole body. "Shit sorry" the person whispered after seeing the effect they caused on me.

I attempted to open my crusted eyes just to be met with a bright white light. "Turn the light off" I mumbled and put my hands over my eyes. My eyelids darkened and I attempted to open my eyes again slowly. Athenas blurry face came into view and I scrunched mine.

"Here take these" she mumbled handing me a few pills. I sat up slowly on the comfortable bed I was laying on. Before taking the pills I took a look at my surroundings. I sat in a dark room with giant windows except they were covered and no light shun through. The room was plain and reminded me of Damon's expect it wasn't and I felt myself grow sad. "Aesira, you need to take these" she insisted even more.

"Where did you get these?" I said weary of the situation and slowly took the pills. She picked up a glass of water that casually laid on the desk beside the huge bed.

"I'll explain everything after, you were passed out for a little over twenty four hours" my head started to spin faster and now there was two of Athena. I quickly took the pills and struggled to swallow them. My mouth was dry and there was little to no moisture in my throat. I grabbed the glass of water from Athena and chugged it faster than I could breathe. I felt the cool water trail down my throat soothingly, I couldn't believe how I took this for granted before.

A knock slowly came from the wooden door a few feet from the bed, Athena yelled a non hesitant 'come in' which made me grow confused. Who's place is this? I gripped the blanket that was placed on top of me and brought it closer to my body, only then is when I realized the clothes I had been wearing and the unfamiliar scent it held. Large soccer shorts and a baggy black tee.

"Athena..." I spoke quietly before the door started to creak open. My breath picked up as the first thing that caught my eye was white hair. Oh no. Allen. A slight breath of relief left my mouth as I saw Allen's face. I was glad it wasn't Aaron's but where ever Allen was Aaron was probably close.

"She's up?" Allen said slowly approaching the bed. I pushed myself farther away from him and tightened my grip on the blanket. "Hey Aesira" he said smiling sweetly.

"What are we doing here?" I whispered trying to control the fast beating of my heart.

"It's ok, they saved us" Athena whispered and ran her slender fingers along my cold arm. I moved slightly away from the contact.

"They..?" I said suspiciously. Athena opened her mouth just to shut it again.

"Aesira listen..." Allen began but was cut off by the footsteps of someone behind him, my mouth parted as they grew closer. The already wide door didn't do Justice to the idea of surprise as I saw Aaron approaching.

I shot up off of the bed quickly ignoring the searing pain I felt everywhere and grabbed Athena with me. She let go of my hand and rolled her eyes. My eyes flickered to the little clock on the table and my immediate instinct what to pick it up and throw it.

Aaron, already knowing what I was about to do, dodged the clock before it hit his head. "Good aim" he mumbled while straightening up his jacket.

"Aesira he saved us" she yelled and stood in front of Aaron. I looked at her as if she had two heads growing out of her already mental one.

"Saved us? He's part of the reason we are in this mess to begin with!" I yelled taking a threatening step towards her. She shook her head and calmly copied my motions.

"I know! But if you would just let him explain you will understand more of the situation" she yelled back with the same amount of fiery. I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest. I ignored the excruciating pain that increased by a thousand ad my anger took over.

"Talk then" I raised my eyebrows and sat on the corner of the bed still very on edge. Aaron opened his mouth but I heard nothing come out. Allen gave Aaron a look that could kill which caused him to finally start blabbering.

"I'm so sorry, my intentions were never bad... ok they might have been but I didn't want to kill Damon and when Jace shot him I changed my mind completely about our stupid plan." I tried my best to keep up with his words as he was spilling a hundred per second. "I admit I had a small crush on you but he was crazy obsessed, his room was filled with pictures of you, tons of them, he has literally been stalking your every move! And since I so stupidly assisted in the kidnapping of you and Athena I've been back on my meds and going to therapy 7 days a week-"

"I think she gets the point" Allen stopped Aaron from continuing his rant. My head couldn't wrap around a quarter of what he had said. It makes no sense to me on how he could just change his mind half way through kidnapping me.

"You watched as he killed Damon" I said as silence slowly crept over. He looked down at his black shoes in shame. I shook my head and scoffed at his pitiful reaction. "You didn't bother calling an ambulance?"

"I fled the scene right after Jace took you. He had stabbed me with a knife from the kitchen." Memories of that night started coming back to me. The sound of glass shattering from outside of the room rang in my head. The story made sense to me but I was hesitant about believing him. "I didn't think." He spoke softly.

"You said something about meds. What meds?" I said again, I needed to know every bit of information. Aaron glanced at his brother who just raised his eyebrows. Athena stood quietly not having any reaction to the words spilling from his lips.

"I've been diagnosed with a few things- the meds help me keep everything under control" I watched as his face formed into a look of regret and misery. I almost started to feel bad for him.

"So that's your excuse for wanting to kidnap me?" I felt my blood slowly boil.

"I'm not excusing my behaviour on my- issues, but I know I made a mistake and I'll be making up for it for the rest of my life." I grew annoyed at him and stopped giving him any attention at all.

"How did you find us?" I said looking at Allen.

"Aaron knew the place Jace was planning to bring you and Athena. We had spent time in hiding, most of the underground world had been looking for us as Damon's brother Carter sent out a warrant for our heads." My eyes widened in surprise. Holy. "Finally we decided to attack them and it was fucking easy too" he let out a small chuckle but I found nothing amusing about it.

"Now what then?"

"We're staying with them..." Athena whispered. I whipped my head into her direction as she spoke.

"You're joking. Athena they are criminals." I said hoping to change her mind.

"I know, they told me everything, and they told me that Damon is one as well, a crazy one at that." She took a step towards me daringly. Fuck. I sighed and clenched my job.

"We will just leave you two" Allen started to walk out of the room slowly but stopped halfway to slap Aaron's head "let's go" he demanded. Aaron stalked off annoyed and shut the door behind him.

"We have no where else to go Aesira, they gave us a choice and I think we should stay, until we get our life back on track... again." My nerves eased at the thought of staying here willingly. We had a choice to stay or leave we weren't stuck here.

"I don't trust them."

"We can leave at any time" she whispered, "a week maximum" she promised me, I searched her eyes for a solid moment before giving in.

"I'm not becoming their friend." She started to smile, a smile I missed seeing so much. My heart warmed at just the sight of it. I shook my head and licked my dry lips.

She wrapped her arms around me tightly, my heart sped up at the contact but I kept reminding myself I was safe and it was just Athena.

"You have a lot of explaining to do." Shit.

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