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"Yes you are" Damon said towering over me. His addictive scent filled my nose and sent chills all over my body. I couldn't get enough of him. Nothing felt real anymore especially with him back in my life. I had spent this whole time thinking he was dead and now that he wasn't I don't know how to act.

"I need to stay with Athena" I said crossing my arms and sticking to my word.

"She can come as well" he said trying to compromise but I just shook my head and started to walk away.

"Aesira, I'm not letting you go."

"I'm not coming back to the hotel end of." I turned around and furrowed my brows.

"You're not working there you're just going to be staying with me," he explained. I shook my head again and he sighed.

"Why are you two bickering?" Athena said walking into the living area a sweaty mess. She raised a brow and took a sip of her water bottle.

"Aesira doesn't want to come back with me because she doesn't want to leave you alone" I opened my mouth to protest Damon's words but Athena cut me to it.

"Aesira, we've been with each other since the moment we were born, I can handle not being with you twenty-four seven." I opened my mouth again but she continued "And I have Allen and Aaron here" I shook my head once more "and you need to start thinking about yourself, stop worrying about me." Athena always acted like an older sister to me. Though I was two minutes older she made it her duty to look after me. I felt as if I owed her.

"It's not that simple.."

"It is, you're just too stubborn to admit it. You want to be with Damon so go be with him" she ushered on. I pressed my lips together and sighed. I had never been away from Aesira for a long period of time, we've always lived together I don't know what I would do without her, but I missed Damon more than words could explain and I wanted to go with him. But I didn't want to give him that satisfaction.

"I'll think about it" I said shrugging. Damon shook his head and smirked. I gave him a smile back while craning my neck up at him.

"You're too stubborn" Athena mumbled and starting walking away.

"Digging the whole badass thing" Damon said walking closer, my head moved up as he was no an inch away. I loved being this close with him. It ignited sparks along my body and he wasn't even touching me. I could just imagine what it would be like when he would be. "But pack your bags or I'll pick them for you" he threatened.

"You will? Thanks" I said patting his muscular chest. Lord. His tongue rolled along the inside stopping him from smiling. Suddenly his mood changed and his face dropped to a cold expression. I followed his eyes onto Aaron and exhaled.

Aaron entered the room quietly and refused to make eye contact with Damon. I tried to hold in my laugh as I watched his scared expression. "Me and Allen are going to the nursing home" he mumbled. I nodded my head and ran my fingers through my hair, flipping it to one side.

"Oh ok, I'll see you two later then" he nodded and scurried off. I look back at Damon to see his confused expression. "Their mom, they visit her almost everyday" I explained. He slowly nodded as his face softened.

"So" Damon drew on, I raised a brow and crossed my arms over my chest. Quickly his eyes glanced at my boobs and back to my eyes faster than I could process what was happening. "There's this party..." a party?

"Well a masquerade ball"

"You'd look sexy in a mask" I said saying the first thing that came to mind. His cheeks turned pink which made my stomach flutter.

"You're accompanying me" he stated.

"That doesn't sound like a question" I said raising a brow.

"That's because it wasn't" he said obviously. I rolled my eyes and didn't say a word. I wanted him to ask me. Sighing from the look on my face he spoke again. "Blue will you please go to the ball with me" blue. Fuck have I missed that word.

"Have to check my calendar" I said turning around, before I could take another step his hand grabbed mine and whipped my body around.

I went to speak but his lips landed onto mine and I folded. I can't even comprehend how much I enjoyed the feeling that took over me. My face burned hotter than it ever has and my stomach felt like there were a million butterflies trying to get out. His inc covered hand laced around the back of my neck while mine landed on his perfected jaw.

"Can't you just agree to whatever I ask you" he mumbled pulling slightly away.

"Where's the fun in that?" I said glancing at his honey eyes.

"You know any more tattoos and you'll be more covered than me" he said running his hand along my arm leaving tingles behind.

"No one has more than you" I scoffed looking down at his. Both of his arms were covered in random tattoos, I can remember his chest and stomach being covered as well. He had a few on his legs but not as much and a ton on his neck. My favourite had to be the cursive writing behind his ear. It was Carter's name spelt beautifully, I loved that he cared so much for his brother, it was something we had in common with our siblings. I found the tattoos extremely attractive.

"True" he said laughing, it was like music to my ears. "Shit I almost forgot" he said pulling away from me. My body felt cold and disappointed with his absence. He dug through his back pocket and grabbed a little grey velvet box. I raised my brow suspiciously.

"You're not going to propose right?" I joked.

"Not yet, this i think is a much better gift" he opened the box and I could have sworn my heart skipped multiple beats. He had it this whole time? It looked polished and new better than it ever did when I had it.

"Oh my god" I whispered grabbing the box. My necklace. I ran my finger along the pendant slowly. It had been months without it. I was beginning to forget all about it. He found it.. and he kept it.. "thank you" I said glancing at his face. It was a whole new emotion. His eyes were as soft as ever and his lips were curled into a small smile. He looked at me as if I was the only girl in the world. My heart melted right there and then.

"Anything for you Blue"

"Can you put it on me?" I asked handing it back. Slowly and carefully and slid it out of the box. He handled it with so much care. I don't think I could ever love a man more than I love him. I turned around and waited for his to place it on my neck.

His hand drew my hair to one side of my shoulder slowly. My mouth parted slightly. He placed it around my neck and clipped it. The pendant laid on my chest perfectly and it felt as if I had never taken it off. His hands glided from my neck to my shoulders. He bent down and placed a kiss on my neck."thank you again" I mumbled.

"Of course" he said turning me around. Fuck I love this man. I just needed to tell him. I had to tell him. But I couldn't get the words to leave my mouth. I had never told any boy I loved him. I never had a serious relationship before, besides Athena I had never said I love you to anyone. It was a big word and a huge step. I have to say it soon.

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