Kabir's love at first sight(part 4)

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Author's pov

The alarm started ringing and riddhima wakes up suddenly & runs to the bathroom but when she comes
out she doesn't see sejal in the hall so she goes to wake he up

R- Sejal you have to go to arrange the beach party.Get up

Sejal(no response)

R- why is your face pale

Sejal- I don't feel well.I think its fever
my body is hot

R- But what will u do about the arrangement.Call  & inform that devil
boss or else she will chew u up

Sejal- I called her but no one is free so she threatened me with my job

R- She's a jerk . What will u do now

Sejal- You can go in my place

R- But i have a meeting with those goenka's to plan the wedding how will i do it

Sejal- Please yaar.The party is till 4 pm
only after that u can go & meet them
They are good clients they won't complain also

R- Ok but my luck is bad I'm sure your
clients will also become cheeky.Hope
what u said that happens

Sejal- Best of luck

R- Bye. Take rest

At Baga beach in North Goa
Author's pov

Riddhima Star arranging for the party
& instructed the workers to sart the decoration.While she was checking the food & drinks being prepared

Near the beach inside a room

Kabir- I hope today's deal will benifit us in our business (with a smirk)

Raghu(dealer)- Yess but we have to be careful while shipping those girls
or it will be a lot of problem

Kabir- I have arranged everything when our party will end at 4pm and the boat will sail at 4:05pm no one will get to know that behind our beach party girls are sold out
(they both laugh like evil humans)

Author's pov

Raghu is the only one whom kabir has not cheated in the deal.They both started their illegal deal together only
Raghu was kabir's first client so that's
why he doesn't want to  or couldn't cheat him because they are on the same level

Kabir- Let's go the party has started

Raghu- let the fun begin(smirks)

Author's pov

The party had started riddhima checked everything & was happy that the client did not come up with some
demands at the nick of time
The weather was a little hot & riddhima was sweating a bit so she went to the bar counter and asked for a juice while Kabir enters with Raghu

Kabir- Do u like the setup of the party?

Raghu- Yup. Let's meet our friends

Near the beach room the girls were
taken out of the room & were shifted to the boat & time started to
flow like sand

Dancers enter- dance starts

Raghu- They are such beauty i want
these kind of girls for my next export (pointing towards the dancers)

Kabir- Deal is on (laughing like a jerk) Waiter bring more drinks

The party was about to end when kabir's eyes fell on riddhima & he was awstruck at her beauty, her slim figure & couldn't take his eyes off her

Sudden interruption

Raghu- We should move now it's almost 4:00 pm(& he jerked him)

Kabir came out of his dreamland & he wanted to go towards riddhima but the deal will not go smoothly so he told his bodyguard to find who she is as fast as he can & started moving with raghu with an incomplete heart

Author's pov

It was love at first sight for kabir was it really love or it was his lust for body .Its a big question for now

The bodyguard clicked her photo & kept it for investigation

R- Pack up everything & bring it to the company the tempo is parked outside & when u reach company give me a call i'll inform boss you will receive your daily wages

Worker- ok mam

Riddhima started moving toward the goenka's villa for the meeting & before the bodyguard cameback &, could reach her she vanished in thin air

At VR mansion
In the study

Angre- Boss chang has agreed for the deal . It's set at club sirkus at 12:00 pm

V- Aryan u need to guard the basement near the port. Tomorrow the raichand's will try to ruin our deal
& take the money away

Aryan- yess bhai

Precap- Riddhima is nowhere to be found

Will kabir be left heartbroken or
Riddhima will fall for him?!
Comment your views.

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