Riddhima's big "No"(part 24)

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Siya-(on call) Riddhima can u come home dadi wants to talk to u about something.

R- Do u want to plan any party?

Siya- Just come we'll discuss it.

R- Okay (she was reluctant to go but she went because it was her work & secondly vansh did not try to contact her even after she left his houde without having a word with him or disturbed her)

Riddhima enters the mansion. Everyone was present in the hall except vansh & angre.She sighed in relief when she did not see vansh around.

Dadi- Come & sit with me.

riddhima nodded her head & sat beside her. She felt a bit awkward as everyone was gwaking at her as if she had something wrong but soon she started to think of vansh, now that she had come to his she wished it would be better if she could see her once. It has been a few days she last saw her & her heart was constantly making her weak.

Dadi- What will u take tea / coffee?

R- No dadi nothing.

Siya- Dadi come to the point.
(excitement was clearly visible in her eyes)

Dadi- Riddhima i really liked u very much & want u to become my grand daughter just like siya & ishani.

R-(confused looked towards siya but she looking so happy that she would jump in joy) What ? I don't understand.

Dadi- I want u to marry vansh if u agree?

Hearing this riddhima was stunned she was happy or sad or irritated no body could guess from her expression. Vansh on the other hand came out of his study room after completing a meeting through video call & heard the conversation from the first floor.

R- Dadi waht are u talking i never talked to vansh about something like this. (in hyper mode)

Dadi- Calm down beta. I know this i asked vansh about this & he agreed so i want to know if u also like him or not because i can see in his eyes he likes u a lot.

R- Dadi I'm sorry (trying to control her unclear emotions) but i only thought of him as a friend i don't have any other thoughts about him & I do know how he agreed to u before asking me if i have any feelings for him. I don't want to him or anyone i just want to focus on my career.

Ishani- Ri........

Dadi- (cutting in between) Its ok beta i respect your decision.

R- I'll take my leave now.

Without waiting for another second she moved out but she collided with a servant & in order to balance herself she took the support of the door & then her eyes met with his black orbs which were staring at her retreating figure. He was too far away from her to read his emotions & most of the time he used to keep a cold expressionless face. Without wasting a second more she moved out.

Vansh was busy staring at her retreating figure. Today  seeing her
after few days he was happy but she rejected his proposal & somewhere his heart knew she would do that but still he lost control over his emotions. His eyes were filled with tear as he turned around to go but was caught was angre but she walked away before angre could speak anything.

Author's pov

Riddhima was crying & laughing on the road but this was unnoticed as the drops of rain swept away her tears each time they made their ways out of her doe shaped eyes. She had always read it in romantic novels that the best place to cry is in rain as nobody will see them, ask the reason for it or let her pain be seen by people as if they are their best friends. Her mind was clouded with so many things, how destiny plays games with her one moment it gives happiness & another moment takes away all your courage to enjoy the happiness.

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