Riddhima's new feelings (part 19)

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Author's pov

The morning was very busy everyone was getting ready while riddhima was managing the organisation. She saw how vansh was taking care of dadi & giving her medicines she really liked this new side of his.

Worker- Mam there is a problem with the flowers, they have sent only half of the ordered amount.

R- Did u call & ask them.

Worker- Mam they told that due to transport issue their one truck hasn't reached till now so they won't be able to send more

R- U continue I'm going to another flower shop & get it arranged

Siya- Will u be able to get half of the flowers now without an order? I don't think that anybody would be keeping so much stock.

R- I know a shop they have it sometimes i will go & check.

Siya- I will cancel the contract with them this is the third time they couldn't fullfill the order.

Vansh was passing from there

Siya- Bhai please drop riddhima on your way.

V- I have a important meeting.

Siya-(making puppy eyes) Please its urgent.

V- Okay come fast.

Outside the mansion

V- Where the hell is the driver?

Ramu-(worker) Sir he has not come till now.

V- Just fire him

R- Give me the keys i can drive

V- No, I'll drive.

Riddhima takes the keys from his hands & jestures him to sit

V- The bodyguard will drive

R- Please let me drive i won't kill u

Vansh sat down when she was doing so much pestering.

V- I had to look at the files that's why i wanted the driver

R- Its ok we both are helping each other

Riddhima accelerated the car in full speed & vansh was taken aback because of the speed in which she was driving

V- You want to die or what. Slow down a bit or we'll have a accident.

R- Don't worry i have experience.(& chukled)

They reached & riddhima thanked him & got off. While the car behind vansh in which his bodyguards were following him were puzzled looking at the crazy speed of the car & thought she wants to kill their boss for sure but they took a sigh in relief when the car finally stopped.

Author's pov

Riddhima finally got the flowers in the shop & ordered them to go to VR Mansion once they load the material in the baskets while it started raining heavily seeing this vansh thought about riddhima she would get wet as cabs would take time to come & if he sends the bodyguard she will show her stubborness & not sit so he decided to go back & pick her up

V-(on call) Angre cancel the meeting & ask them for some other date

Angre- But boss they are free after 4 months we only forced them for an early meeting

V- Inform them that due to rain the road is blocked

Angre- Boss the rain has just started how can it get blocked so fast?

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