Little arguments (part 34)

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I saw his black audi and ran a few steps and the driver opened the door and i got inside. Vansh was busy in his phone call but as soon as the i entered inside he looked at me and smiled and i too reciprocated it. It has been one month of us dating and we meet often and sometimes go for dinners or sometimes even lunch in some posh restaurants or even hotels.

Whenever we meet it's like we eating and talking or talking in the car while we are going to eat or he has come to pick me up from work or dropping me.

Right now i am in a hurry because somedays i could get a good sleep and so i get late and i just have to run. I haven't even combed my hair or applied anything on my face i just took a bath and put on my clothes and heels and ran out as soon i got Vansh's call.

V- Good morning.

R- Good morning.

I am not a morning person firstly because i have never been and secondly suffering from insomnia sometimes had made me hate mornings in such manner i cannot describe but he doesn't know so i just wish back.

I just comb my hair from my hands and set it even and pull up a ponytail. I dont have a comb right now so finger could do the work. God it sounded so cringe.

I am not a fan of carrying a makeup factory in my purse so i just keep my power bank, my wallet, a few clips,a lipstick or lip gloss, few hair tie, my pills and a concealer that's it.

I rummage through my purse to find a hair tie but nothing gets into my grip. With a huff i leave my hair and remove things from my purse into the cup holder in the middle. I think I don't have any. With a sigh i fill things in my purse back thinking to buy one wherever i can get. As i was about to zip us my purse i see vansh holding my pills in his hands and observing it. I snatch it from his hands and put it into my purse and zip it.

V- What are those medicine for?

R- Just vitamin tablets.

I lie so smoothly that he shouldn't be doubting it. But she doesn't know he's aware of what those are for.

Vansh tells the driver to pass something from the front and the driver hands over few clips and a hair tie which are mine.

V- It good to see that u leave things behind for me but i cannot use them so i keep them for your reuse.

A smile spreads over my lips too hard to wipe off and after taking it i pull my hair into a ponytail and take out my phone and even out the bumps and then put clips when the hair is springing out. After I'm done i put my phone back into my jeans pocket.

V- Aren't u going to comb your hair.?

R- I don't have one right now and no body is going to notice it.

She doesn't know but people stare at her.


It was a week after i had seen riddhima in her college everyday hanging with her friends or doing some stuff on her friend who i had seen on the first day. It was like both used to enjoy irritating each other but i got to know that boy had a girlfriend so i wasn't so jealous but i don't think i was in the place to be so. I just could name it as a small crush of mine. I didn't see riddhima today and her friends even were not looking so happy or talking much and some things had happened in the college that the person whom i used to come and meet daily couldn't give me time. Second day same happened no sign of her and i even saw the news of a boy committing suicide from this same college. I did some research and got to know riddhima was being accused of having some relationship with that guy. It was absurd because firstly i never saw her with that guy in her break time when i used to leave & see her and the guy was a senior doing an MBA his classes were held far from riddhima's building and it was impossible to interact unless someone went there or came here. It was the last day of my visit and by luck i saw her coming running brushing her hair through her fingers and tying them and entered the principal's office without giving me a look also.

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