Chapter 2

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A few weeks later..

It took a little bit for them to adjust to being on the streets. It was tough but it was better than where they use to be. Its been a few weeks so they're basically use to it. They are very smart so they blend in with the crowd. Its also New York so a lot of people either don't care or are wrapped up in their busy hectic lives they don't notice that two children are living on the streets. They don't look like your typical homeless person. They're not filthy and wearing rags and begging for money. They're wearing their usual clothes. Danny is wearing a green hoodie that has two buttons and it has Star Wars written on it. He's also wearing blue jeans and black converse. His bright blue eyes stand out from his dark black hair. His hair is very wavy and he has tan skin, he has an Italian background. Peter was wearing a blue hoodie, the same style as Danny's except it was a plain hoodie, no logo on it or movie. He was also wearing black jeans and blue converse. He had bright green eyes and wavy blonde hair that was longer length than Danny's but not long where it could be seen as girly. Peter also had pale skin. 

They didn't look like brothers at all, if anything people would assume their best friends. But they were brothers, definitely half brothers though since their looks were different. Being that they have been out of that terrible home for a few weeks now they had no new wounds, and the old ones were healing. No one could see they were hurt though since it was underneath their clothing. They were very smart kids, mostly because they had to grow up very fast. They brought their clothes from the home they left so they didn't have to wear the same thing everyday. They would get their clothes clean at the public washers, all you needed was a few quarters which was so easy to find on the New York streets. The only hard part was getting food, everything in New York was so expensive, they would usually dig through garbage's or sometimes fast food places and Delis would throw out things at the end of the night so they would give them some food which lucked out. Peter did get a few jobs on the side as well to help out since he was 13 years old. Nothing crazy of course but he got a job as a newspaper boy and a tutor so that did help out. They also were going to school so they got out of the streets for a bit.

 Peter was in 8th grade and Danny was in 5th grade. They went to different schools since Peter was in middle school and Danny was still in elementary school. They've been sleeping in park that was nearby to the school which was convenient. It was 5am and Peter set his alarm on his phone which made a quiet noise. Peter woke up and looked around, it was dark but the sun was slowly rising. He turned his alarm off and stretched and looked over at Danny who was still sleeping. Danny was sleeping on a bench and Peter was laying on the ground near him. Peter stood up and shook Danny slightly.

 "Come on we need to get up, people will be arriving soon" Peter told him. They couldn't be sleeping in a park, it looked really suspicious and the last thing they need is to get put into another bad foster home. Sure maybe they would get into a good home but they didn't want to chance it. Danny opened his eyes slowly and stretched looking around. 

"I'm up.. I'm up" he replied in a raspy voice since he just woke up. He put his feet on the ground and stood up from the bench and soon followed behind Peter. 

They headed to a public shower, it was a place for people to shower after going to the beach which was nearby, but of course they weren't going to the beach. They both showered, using a little bit of shampoo and soap they bought at a dollar store, they tried to not use to much of it to save money. Once they finished showering they dried their hair under the hand dryer and brushed their hair with their fingers and brushed their teeth. They changed into another outfit. Danny wore a blue shirt with a denim jacket, black jeans and his black converse. Peter wore a black hoodie and blue jeans with his blue converse. By the time they walked from place to place getting ready for the day it was already 7am.

The Break inحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن